Track parcels/shipments with companies like UPS, DHL, TNT and FedEx. In addition special services for air cargo, containers and post.
The information provided here is part of Import Export online TrainingSEA CARGO TRACKING Please find below web links of major shipping lines to trace your sea shipments.ACL Atlantic Container Line tracking link by Alianca Navegaceo e Logistica Ltda tracking link by howtoexport...
MAERSK MSC ONE T.S. LINES VANGUARD Track container shipments for multiple shipping companies: SHIPMENT LINK TRACK-TRACE SEA RATES You can input either the Bill of Lading number, Container number or Vessel name. This information is in the Shipping Status page for the shipment. The Bill of Ladin... Bill of lading tracking. Track shipments for 47 companies here. Enter Bill Of Lading number here. Shipping company will be selected automatically when possible. Gives you the tracking result in a frame with access to several tools and the posibility to select ...
Would you like to go one step further and have the Track & Trace data sent directly to a third party such as your customer in a specific format? Or would you like to be separately notified about specific events such asdeviations from the expected process?Perhaps you want toinclude the sail...