Pick up an inexpensive name-brand phone to get started or look for bundles to save even more on phones that provide complimentary double or triple minutes. Save money as a light cell phone user with one of TracFone’s pay-as-you-go airtime cards. Choose from cards that offer 30 to 1500...
For instance, TracFone usually offers service promotions on a monthly basis. Such typically comprise free TracFone minutes (airtime). They regularly offer promo codes that Safe Link users can use, too. Other popular TracFone promotions include Double Minutes (Life Cards) and Triple Minutes (Life Ph...
The New phone (LG 800G) with 1200 minutes for 1 year yelds the cheapest prepaid text-message rate: just $0.03 per text message. (See below) So, without further ado, here is the table that sums up all Tracfone minute deals:(A yellow box indicates that this card is the best deal ...