Tracey Emin的最新个展《我追随你直到尽头》(I Followed You to the End)呈现了她2024年的新绘画与雕塑,主题围绕爱与失落、生命的短暂性与重生。· 2020年,Tracey Emin确诊癌症,从这一系列作品中也能看出这段经历对她影响很大。画中大量使用深红、白色和黑色等色调,充满力量和即兴的笔触,展现着情绪的剧烈波动。
View Four thoursand years by Tracey Emin on artnet. Browse more artworks Tracey Emin from Tanya Baxter Contemporary.
Emin’s life, such as a hospital bracelet and personal correspondence, in addition to a quilt on which she had stitched the names of family members and notes to them. In 1994 Emin undertook a U.S. tour ofperformance artfor which, sitting in her grandmother’s chair, she read from “...
Tracey Emin1963年出生,是英国知名的女性艺术家。她毕业于伦敦皇家艺术学院,现为学院皇家院士与荣誉博士。艾敏以自传和忏悔式风格闻名,作品涵盖素描、绘画、雕塑等多种形式。她深挖个人经历与情绪,围绕爱、欲望等主题展现“女人”与“自我”。其作品获诸多权威机构收藏,在二级市场屡拍出高价,凭独特风格在艺术界影响深...
走进苏格兰国家现代艺术馆(Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art),一张巨幅的下半身照片映入眼帘:一袭工作围裙、一条黑色内裤、一身古铜色皮肤、外加手中的一支画笔。即使如此简单的勾勒,也让人一望便知究竟是谁造访此地——翠西艾敏(Tracey Emin)艺术生涯中首次大型个人回顾展近日开幕。
was commissioned by the National Portrait Gallery to createThe Doors(2023), resulting in 45 female portraits cast in bronze that cover the gallery's three new entrance doors. In 2024, Tracey Emin was honoured with a damehood in the King's Birthday Honours for her services to British art. ...
I'm in Tracey Emin’s Spitalfields studio. It’s so big, on four floors, you could park an aeroplane in here, yet it’s full to the rafters with works of art in wooden crates, canvases in floor-to-ceiling cubbyholes, a huge desk covered in neat rows of tubes of oil paint (and...
Tracey Emin又名 翠西·艾敏, 是一位艺术家。 TRACEY EMIN改邪归正 文高靓婧、朱洁树 来源:东方早报 曾几何时,想读到一篇关于当代艺术家翠西·艾敏(Tracey Emin)的报道,而在这篇报道里没有贬损之言几乎是不可能的事。在上世纪90年代末及接下来的十年里,她在英国艺术界是“粗鲁无礼”和“坏女孩”的代名词...
The Memory of your Touch, the inaugural exhibition at the gallery by British artist Tracey Emin, opens this September at Xavier Hufkens as a cornerstone of its new season. Spanning both galleries and
𝐀𝐫𝐭𝐢𝐬𝐭:翠西·艾敏(Tracey Emin) #弃艺从文# 1995年,艾敏创作了作品《所有和我一起睡过的人》(Everyone I Have Ever Slept With),她把曾经与她同床共枕过的102个人的名字贴在了一顶帐篷上。这件作品在...