H., "Determination of Traces of Ethylene-glycol Dinitrate (and Nitroglycerine) in Blood and Urine," Nature (London), Vol. 210, No. 5038, 21 May 1966, pp. 816-817.Williams AF, Murray WJ, Gibb BH (1966) Determination of traces of ethyleneglycol dinitrate (and nitroglycerine) in blood ...
Plant originated from human semen, urine; 2. Creation of Adam. G: Relationship to historical and mythological characters: 1 King Solomon, Circe, and Prometheus; 2 Elephant. NC: Not classified. There are other names whose meaning/origin is not clear, or are not related to any of the above...
This accident of being born male, and in a family belonging to the dominant ethnic group of my culture, meant I benefited from the privilege of my gender and race, even as my socioeconomic background held me back. That’s me, climbing a flagpole just outside my house when I was about...
determination of traces of thallium directly in blood and urine by differential pulse anodic stripping voltammetrydoi:10.1016/0300-9432(75)90308-8J.P. FrankeR.A. De ZeeuwElsevier Ireland Ltd.Forensic Science
(1948). Spectrophoto- metric measurement of traces of the dye T-1824 by extraction with cellophane from both blood serum and urine of normal dogs. Am. J. Physiol., 154, 27-38.Allen, T. H. , and P. D. Orahovats : Spectrophotometric measurement of traces of the dye T-1824 by ...
crime scene;imaging;stand-off;forensic lights;latent traces;fingerprints;blood;semen;3D reconstruction;scanning 1. Introduction The investigation of a crime scene is a complex process that involves spatial reconstruction and accurate localizations of evidence, and then collection, identification and document...
The application of dual label stable isotope techniques, for which subjects receive a primed-continuous infusion of a stable isotope tracer (D-[6,6-2H2]glucose solution) and consume a second tracer orally (e.g., 13C-labeled plant-based food product) followed by time-resolved blood sampling...