EB tresos studio 配置SPC574K MCU Driver报错解决方法 : 通过符号名的机制获取其它模块容器的数值。 在AUTOSAR的配置过程中,有一种情况为Module A需要使用的数据由于某些原因只能被定义在Module B中,这时需要使用引用来实现。 例如:MCU模块的...SPC574KMCUDriver 配置错误 背景介绍MCU驱动程序为其他微控制器抽象层...
- AI (Artificial Intelt) Traffic System to give you some tough hurdles to cross them like a pro formula driver- Career Racing Mode, Endless and time trail for fun and enjoyable experience. Career mode has 20 Mission to compete them. Difficulty level of formula racing levels will increase ...