美 英 un.跟踪指令 网络跟踪命令;追踪命令;轨迹命令 英汉 网络释义 un. 1. 跟踪指令
Trace-Command [-InputObject <PSObject>] [-Name] <String[]> [[-Option] <PSTraceSourceOptions>] [-Expression] <ScriptBlock> [-ListenerOption <TraceOptions>] [-FilePath <String>] [-Force] [-Debugger] [-PSHost] [<CommonParameters>]Power...
trace command 跟踪指令 trace to v. 上溯 no trace 无线索 on the trace of 跟踪,追赶… in command 指挥,率领 in command of 指挥 at command 掌握, 可自由使用 disappear with trace 消失得无影无踪 trace back to 可追溯到,是…开始的 trace out 标出,描绘出,勾出…的轮廓 相似...
http://doc.helplib Trace-Command 配置并启动对指定表达式或命令的跟踪。语法 Trace-Command[-Command][-ArgumentList][-Name][[-Op tion]{|||}][-Debugger ][-FilePath][-Force][-InputObject][-ListenerOption{| |||}][-PSHost][] Trace-Command[-???][-Name][[-Option]{||| |||}][-Debugg...
Use the TRACE command to: Start, stop, or modify system trace Start, stop, or modify master trace Start, stop, or modify component trace Start, stop, or modify transaction trace Display the current status of system trace, master trace, component trace, and transaction trace ...
Trace-Command [-Name] <string[]> [-Command] <string> [[-Option] {<None> | <Constructor> | <Dispose> | <Finalizer> | <Method> | <Property> | <Delegates> | <Events> | <Exception> | <Lock> | <Error> | <Errors> | <Warning> | <Verbose> | <WriteLine> | <Data> | <Scope> ...
codeql database trace-command [--threads=<num>] [--ram=<MB>] [--extractor-option=<extractor-option-name=value>] <options>... -- <database> <command>... Description [Plomberie] Exécute une seule commande dans le cadre d’une build tracée. Cette commande exécute une seule ligne de...
Use the MVS™ TRACE command to start, modify, or stop the trace after TCP/IP has been started. The TRACE command replaces all prior settings except the buffer size. When modifying the options, be sure to specify the SOCKAPI option. The examples below show how to start the trace. ...
TraceCommandBase TraceCommandCommand TraceCommandCommand Constructors Properties ArgumentList Command Debugger Expression FilePath Force InputObject ListenerOption Name Option PSHost Methods TraceListenerCommandBase UnblockFileCommand UnprotectCmsMessageCommand ...
5.38. crash-trace-command5.38.1. RHBA-2012:0808 — crash-trace-command bug fix update An updated crash-trace-command package that fixes one bug is now available for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6. The crash-trace-command package provides a trace extension module for the crash utility, ...