but it differs from other dual-process models in emphasizing that there are degrees of rationality and that intuition is an advanced form of reasoning. Such claims are based on empirical evidence about the development of reasoning (e.g., evidence...
Lactoferrin can develop the conditional interaction between dendritic cells and neutrophils, activating innate and adaptive immune responses [149]. Furthermore, lactoferrin serves as a natural adjuvant, involving the modulation of immune responses against all pathophysiological conditions from infancy onwards....
Dietary factors have been hypothesized to affect the risk of liver cancer via various mechanisms, but the influence has been not well studied and the evidence is conflicting. We investigated associations of dietary trace element intake, assessed through a validated food frequency questionnaire, with ...
The conditional inactivation of Sbp2 in mice results in the markedly decreased expression and/or activity of several selenoproteins in a tissue-specific manner and a thyroid hormone pattern in serum (high T4, rT3 and TSH, regular T3) mimicking the phenotype of such mutations in humans [82]. ...