The horizontal and vertical lines indicate the means and ranges of the standard error, respectively (sample size = 3). Each alphabet indicates a statistically significant difference (Tukey–Kramer’s test, α = 0.05). Comparison of (d) root growth angle vs. RDI, (e) total root ...
782017-08 6 sh1_004_part1_trace_and_write_A_G 1172017-08 7 sh1_003_part2_there_are_26_letters 1522017-08 8 sh1_003_part1_2-alphabet_song 1862017-08 9 sh1_003_part1_1-alphabet_song 3842017-08 10 sh1_000 Copyright infomation 3082017-08 查看更多 ...
Sing the song so you don't forget How does say they alphabet E makes the sound of e e e F makes the sound of f f f G makes the sound of g g g H makes the sound of h h h Say these phones so you don't forget How does say they alphabet U makes the sound of...
Throughout the paper, we let the alphabet of 𝒜A be the power set of atomic propositions in a workflow 𝒲W, namely Σ=2𝐴𝑃Σ=2AP. Based on a transition system 𝒲W and a DFA 𝒜A, we can define a product transition system that models the behaviour of a trace component. De...