The atmosphere has recently been recognized as a major source of energy sustaining life. Diverse aerobic bacteria oxidize the three most abundant reduced trace gases in the atmosphere, namely hydrogen (H2), carbon monoxide (CO) and methane (CH4). This Re
7.Study on Determination and Analysis of Trace Organ-phosphorus Pesticides and the Set-up of Mathematics Model of Water Quality Convective Diffusion;水中痕量有机磷农药检测及其迁移模型研究 8.INVESTIGATION ON THE SPECTROPHOTOMETRIC DETERMINATION OF TOTAL PHOSPHORUS IN NATURE WATER BY PHOTOCATALYTIC OXIDATION;...
The methods are mainly used for three purposes: (1) stuiies of size distribution atterns for trace elements in order to estimate the association of the elements wig suspended .particles. and soluble compounds of different nature, (2) reseparations of interfenng conswuents of soluhons to be ...
2017, 18, 80 4 of 15 4 of 15 200μm FiFgiugruer1e. V1.isuVailsiusatliosantioofnneouftranleruetdr,aclonregdo, recdo,nagcoridriende, oraacnrigdei,npehloorxainngeeB, , flpuholorxeisnceinBi,softlhuioorceysacneainte, anisdoflthuiocryesacneaitne,dainadceftlautoeriensctehien bdoiad...
Chi square is neutral to the parametric or non-parametric nature of the distribution and is relatively robust to situations with a limited number of data (n > 50). The most appropriate statistic to use as a measure of Chi-square association is Cramér's V. Cramér's V is used to ...
For example, UASs have been a useful platform for data collection of (1) concentration and size gradients of aerosol particles in the boundary layer over a coastal area [15]; (2) the size and nature of atmospheric particles due to local pollution sources [16,17]; and, (3) the ...