trace elementsTrace elements (trace metals) are minerals present in living tissues in small amounts (trace amounts). Some of them are essential in daily nutrition and play an important function in the human body, for example, as catalysts in enzyme systems; participating in oxidation-reduction ...
bioavailability of trace elements in human dietdoi:10.1007/0-306-47466-2_76Susan J. Fairweather-TaitSpringer USFairweather-Tait, S.J. 2002. "Bioavailability of Trace Elements in Human Diet." Trace Elements in Man and Animals. 10: 255-260....
The importance of trace elements as essential dietary constituents is not sufficiently appreciated by the medical profession, although in recent years a significant increase of new finding on their essential character in nutrition occurred as well as of data on changes in the composition of the diet...
A number of trace elements are required by man, but clear-cut evidence of deficiency has been observed for only iodine and iron. Despite the fact no evidence exists that human diets may be deficient in trace minerals other than iron and iodine, there is an increasing tendency to add more ...
微量元素对人体的健康(Traceelementsaregoodforhuman health) Tip:medicalexpertstothestudyofhumanbody,thehumanbody iscomposedofavarietyofelements,includingcarbon, hydrogen,oxygen,nitrogen,potassium,sodium,calcium, magnesium,sulfur,phosphorus,chlorine11kindsofelements accountedfor99.95%oftotalbodyweight,saidinthebody...
An essential function for a trace element is suggested when deficiency is produced, and indepently confirmed, in two or more animal species, and also when the signs of deficiency are prevented or cured by supplements. As yet, a direct role for the “new trace elements” in the human ...
Availability of essential trace elements in Indian cereals, vegetables and spices using INAA and the contribution of spices to daily dietary intake Indian diet is primarily vegetarian and consists of various cereals and vegetables along with spices, often used in the preparation of curries. The nutri...
Determination of Trace Elements in Human Bones from Sanxia and Lower Areas of Yangzi River and Their Relationship with Paleodiet Huang Yao *1 ,Zhang Zhaojian 1 ,Huang Yufang 1 ,Wang Yihua 2 ,Chen Chun 2 (National Microanalysis Center 1 ,Department of Cultural Relics and Museology 2 ,Fudan ...
/ Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology 26 (2012) 201–204 of the absence of intestinal phytase enzymes [26]. Phytates also complex with endogenously secreted minerals such as zinc (and calcium), making these unavailable for reabsorption into the body [27]. Very low animal ...
Trace and Ultratrace Elements in Nutrition:An Overview. L. Fishbein. Toxicological and Enviromental Chemistty . 1987Fishbien L (1987) Trace and ultra trace elements in Nutrition: an overview. In: Zinc, copper, chromium, vanadium and nickel. Taxicol Environ Chem 14:73-99...