2002. Medial prefrontal cortex and Pavlovian conditioning: Trace versus delay conditioning Behav. Neurosci. 116: 37-47.McLaughlin J, Skaggs H, Churchwell J, Powell DA: Medial prefrontal cortex and Pavlovian conditioning: trace versus delay conditioning. Behav Neurosci 2002, 116: 37–47. 10.1037/...
Two forms of associative learning—delay conditioning and trace conditioning—have been widely investigated in humans and higher-order mammals1. In delay conditioning, an unconditioned stimulus (for example, an electric shock) is introduced in the final moments of a conditioned stimulus (for example,...
Thus, if nicotine enhances hippocampus-dependent fear conditioning, nicotine should enhance trace fear conditioning. For both trace and delay conditioning, five 30 s, 85 dB white noise conditioned stimuli (CS) were paired with five 2 s, 0.5 mA footshock unconditioned stimuli (US). In the ...
In conclusion, both C57BL/6NCrl and 129S2/SvPasCrl mice showed reliable and long-lasting fear memory after delay or trace training, with 129 mice showing particularly strong tone memory after trace conditioning. The FVB/NCrl strain, especially male mice, showed reliable tone fear memory after ...
Thus, if nicotine enhances hippocampus-dependent fear conditioning, nicotine should enhance trace fear conditioning. For both trace and delay conditioning, five 30 s, 85 dB white noise conditioned stimuli (CS) were paired with five 2 s, 0.5 mA footshock unconditioned stimuli (US). In the ...
Trace and Delay Eyeblink Conditioning: Contrasting Phenomena of Declarative and Nondeclarative Memory.We tested the proposal that trace and delay eyeblink conditioning are fundamentally different kinds of learning. Strings of one, two, three, or four trials with the conditioned stimulus (CS) alone ...
The effects of conditioning paradigm and interstimulus interval (ISI) were evaluated in this study of the development of associative learning in rats. The acquisition of classical eyeblink conditioning (EBC) was examined in two paradigms (trace vs. delay), with three different ISIs (short, medium...
Hippocampal and cerebellar single-unit activity during delay and trace eyeblink conditioning in the rat 2007, Neurobiology of Learning and Memory Show abstract Toward a neurobiology of temporal cognition: Advances and challenges 1997, Current Opinion in Neurobiology Show abstract Calibration of peripheral ...
Impaired Cerebellar-Dependent Eyeblink Conditioning in First-Degree Relatives of Individuals With Schizophrenia Consistent with reports of cerebellar structural, functional, and neurochemical anomalies in schizophrenia, robust cerebellar-dependent delay eyeblink cond... AR Bolbecker,JS Kent,IT Petersen,... ...
For conditioning, we have used amphetamine administration in one of the corners. To investigate the mechanism underlying such evoked memory, we have used the CatFISH method (Cellular compartment analysis of temporal activity by fluorescent in situ hybridisation) to measure the co-expression of two I...