When CuO was utilized as a sintering additive, εr${varepsilon _r}$ is mostly impacted by relative density, whereas Q ×$ times ;$f value is primarily influenced by grain size. When CuO was employed as a dopant, εr${varepsilon _r}$ is strongly connected to the dielectric ...
1) Trace additive element 痕量添加元素2) small alloying addition 微量添加元素 1. The paper mainly summarized the small alloying additions added to the gold alloy for jewellery as the strengthener,deoxidizer,grain refiner and castability improver. 从提高强度、防止氧化、提高铸造性能以及细化晶粒几个...
copper trace metal additive 英[ˈkɔpə treis ˈmetl ˈæditiv] 美[ˈkɑpɚ tres ˈmɛtl ˈædɪtɪv] 释义 [医]微量铜添加物<补铜药>
We sit down with your team and walk through each step of your current and planned Additive Manufacturing processes. We have developed a TRACEam Quality Audit that gives you a first hand look at gaps in your current processes including standards implementation, training, process control, materials ...
composite additive of trace elements 英文composite additive of trace elements 中文【化】 复合微量元素添加剂
Additive codes with few weights Additive codes have a wide range of applications.Aclassical nice and genericway to constructlinear codes is via trace functions. In this paper, first, we g... D Panario,M Sahin,Q Wang - 《Cryptography & Communications Discrete Structures Boolean Functions & Sequ...
/roll - This takes two forms, allowing you to roll sided dice with or without additive/subtractive offsets: i.e., /roll 2d20 /roll 1d8+5 /coinflip - Flip a coin, heads or tails. Roleplay Commands /{portrait name} - By appending this to the front of your roleplay, it will quickl...
CounterTraceuses an internal calibration standard to allow accurate measurement and processing of each sequencing trace (Figure 1). TheCounterTraceadditive contains DNA fragments of known size labeled with a proprietary fluorophore (CounterTrace standard). This fluorophore has been designed to enable its...
a无机硅化合物无论作为聚合物的添加剂,还是与聚合物组成共混体,均具有较好的阻燃作用 Regardless of the inorganic silicon compound takes the polymer the chemical additive, altogether mixes the body with the polymer composition, has the good being flame-resistant function[translate] ...
In this paper, we propose a system of two bloom filters known as Additive and Multiplicative Bloom Filters, which when incorporated with Reverse iTrace reduces the number of iTrace generated approximately by 100 times. It also prevents iTrace from becoming another DoS attack during the reflector ...