This article is our ongoing series onLinux Auditing, in our last three articles we have explained how toaudit Linux systems(CentOSandRHEL),query auditd logs using ausearchand generate reports using aureport utility. In this article, we will explain how to audit a given process usingautraceutility...
/db/databases/orcl/redo-04-a/redo-t01-g02-m2.log CURRENT /db/databases/orcl/redo-01-a/redo-t01-g01-m1.log INACTIVE /db/databases/orcl/redo-03-a/redo-t01-g01-m2.log INACTIVE /db/databases/orcl/redo-02-a/redo-t01-g04-m1.log INACTIVE /db/databases/orcl/redo-04-a/redo-t01-g04-m2...
truss和strace用来跟踪一个进程的系统调用或信号产生的情况,而 ltrace用来跟踪进程调用库函数的情况。truss是早期为System V R4开发的调试程序,包括Aix、FreeBSD在内的大部分Unix系统都自带了这个工具;而strace最初是为SunOS系统编写的,ltrace最早出现在GNU/Debian Linux中。这两个工具现在也已被移植到了大部分Unix系统...
Tracing a build on Linux TraceCode is a tool to analyze the traced execution of a build, so you can learn which files are built into binaries and ultimately deployed in your distributed software. This TraceCode toolkit uses strace to capture the system-level trace of a build and can reconst...
This is a graphical viewer for the Ftrace and Perf events that can be captured by the Linux kernel. It visualizes the following events: cpu_frequency cpu_idle sched_migrate_task sched_process_exit sched_process_fork sched_switch sched_wakeup sched_wakeup_new sched_waking ...
sched_process_wait. 等子进程的状态变化 sched_wait_task. 等待其他任务unschedule, 比如用于ptrace. sched_wake_idle_without_ipi. 如果target cpu上的任务设置了TIF_POLLING_NRFLAG标记 (只有idle进程会设置), 这样idle进程自己去poll TIF_NEED_RESCHED, 这样就不用发ipi中断去通知了 ...
内核头文件include/linux/kernel.h中描述了ftrace提供的工具函数的原型,这些函数包括trace_printk、tracing_on/tracing_off等。 3.4 引入用户态ltrace和strace 3.4.1 ltrace 跟踪进程调用C库函数的情况。 常用的参数: -a : 对齐具体某个列的返回值。-c : 计算时间和调用,并在程序退出时打印摘要。-d : 打印调试...
linux strace-跟踪进程的系统调用或是信号产生情况,lstrace-跟踪己丑年调用库函数情况,进程跟踪调试命令,Wait(NULL|&exit_status)和exit等待子进程的终止情况;除此之外的2种特殊情况:1.子进程终止,父进程并不正在执行wait()2.子进程终止时,父进程已经终止了第一种情况,要
A ghost record is the result of a delete operation. When you delete a record, the deleted record is kept as a ghost record. Later, the deleted record is purged by the ghost record removal process. When you disable this process, the deleted record isn't purged. Therefore, the space th...
Side note; The thought process behind the use of a macro-soup was two fold; to hide a lot of boilerplate behind simple where details like offsets are known at compile time, and secondly so that definitions and log sites compile to nothing when Trace is off without littering#...