第二步 下载WebAdmin (1)WebAdmin是一个对Trac进行权限控制的插件,安装完成后可以在Trac页面中直接对权限进行控制,其下载地址为http://trac.edgewall.org/wiki/WebAdmin,页面中有许多版本,根据自己需要下载即可 NOTE: (i)Trac 0.11以后的版本会自动集成WebAdmin,只有0.11之前的版本需要手动下载安装 (ii)WebAdmin只...
订阅 Trac插件——WebAdmin的安装和使用 1. 安装介绍第一步 下载并安装SetupTools (1)SetupTools是一个使我们更加方便的安装和部署Python包的工具集,其下载地址为/pypi/setuptools,在这个页面中有exe形式的安装包,直接下载安装即可(2)安装完成后,我们会在\Python24\Scripts目录中找到一个名为easy_install.exe的文件...
使用TRAC_ADMIN 权限的用户登陆,即可看到 Admin 目录。 2. 使用介绍 在Admin 目录中,有两个模块,分别为 General 和 Ticket System,下面对他们进行分别介 绍 General 模块 (1)Basic Settings:这个目录主要用于对当前项目的基本信息进行配置,其中包括 Name, URL 和 Description 三个字段,说明项目名称,项目 URL ...
在trac.ini中配置SVN版本库后可以在webadmin的管理面板中查看,但是不能修改。 svn版本库配置完毕后需要重新同步Trac缓存。 输入以下命令: trac-admin d:\trac\mss repository resync"mss" trac-admin d:\trac\mss repository resync"cmscs" 分别重新同步添加的2个SVN版本库。 或者直接执行命令: trac-admin d:\t...
trac-svn-hook starts trac-admin asynchronously to avoid slowing the commit and log editing operations. The script comes with a number of safety checks and usage advice. Output is written to a log file with prefix svn-hooks- in the environment log directory, which can make configuration issues...
trac-admin $env repository resync "(default)" Note that"(default")will need to be replaced with the repository name if a named repository is used. See theTrac documentationfor more information. Browse to the home page of your project in Trac and append/githubto the URL. Append/github/<rep...
side is quite simple. You will only need to know that you can spawn Trac as an SCGI process. You can either start it manually, or better yet, automatically by letting Cherokee spawn the server whenever it is down. First set up an information source in cherokee-admin with a local ...
#trac-admin/home/trac/my_projectinitenv 这个命令即可启动初始化/home/trac/my_project项目的交互进程,是建立trac项目,运行后提示如下: Project Name [My Project]> 输入项目名称 //随便起个名字 Database connection string [sqlite:db/trac.db]> //直接回车 ...
Also you wouldnt have to worry about the Trac logon process being secure (spam etc). Share Improve this answer Follow answered Jun 7, 2009 at 6:43 Posipiet 64455 silver badges44 bronze badges Add a comment 0 trac-admin /opt/trac/$setup_name permission remove anonymous '*' This ...