Gynecologic Oncology Program, Buenos Aires University, Buenos Aires, Argentina;Wiley Subscription Services, Inc., A Wiley CompanyJ. P. Anchezar, J. Sardi and A. Soderini, “Long-Term Follow-Up Results of Fertility Sparing Surgery in Patients with Epithelial Ovarian Cancer,” Journal of Surgical...
La UCR alertó la maniobra y la tildó de ilegal. Las negociaciones políticas por el Presupuesto, la Ley Fiscal y la toma de deuda para el ejercicio 2025 están en foja cero Con la urgencia del calendario electoral, el PRO busca ordenarse en Bueno...
Martín Galdeano, Presidente de Ford Argentina y Ford Sudamérica, adelantó algunos días atrás que era posible que se tuvieran queaumentar la velocidad de líneade producción de Ranger por la mejora en la demanda, especialmente de ...
This article analyzes the tensions between work and intimacy for gay men in Argentina. Through interviews with young gay men in Buenos Aires, three labor of love tasks are identified that intertwine with the workplace. These tasks include negotiating identity when coming out a...
BUENOS Aires (Argentina)ADMINISTRATIVE reformFORTIFICATIONPUBLIC worksHISTORIC building remodelingPUBLIC building design & constructionJUDICIAL processEIGHTEENTH centuryINJUNCTIONSLABOR processThe proposition is to inquire about the lawsuit originated in the repair works of the corrido...
This paper analyzes the characteristics and economic and social changes of the indigenous population that inhabited the countryside near Buenos Aires, Argentina, in the second half of the 19th century. The case study uses a set of documentary sources of differ...
This paper aims to articulate political anthropology and gender studies, in order to address the tensions between prostitution and work in the organizational experience of trans women in the metropolitan area of Buenos Aires, Argentina. Focusing on the daily life of one cooperative ve...
In sum, the article sets out to analyze these relationships based on the interdependencies between the mobilization of certain national narratives, Argentina-Uruguay bilateral relations and the structural inequalities in the region.doi:10.1590/00115258201433Merenson, Silvina...
In Argentina, the law that created the 'Sistema Federal de Vivienda' (Federal Housing System) was sanctioned in 1995 and the resources of the FONAVI (Fondo Nacional de la Vivienda) were decentralized. In Buenos Aires province was created the 'Plan Bonaerense de Tierra y Vivienda' and to ...
This article aims to provide conceptual tools for the understanding of the organizational modalities of associated work experiences in Argentina, from the self-management practices analysis in the Buenos Aires City cartoneros cooperatives. To this end, it is proposed an analytical scheme...