The TR71A2 with two sensor connections can measure temperatures from -60 up to 155℃. The wide range of optional sensors provides increased measurement flexibility. The LCD screen allows the simultaneous display of either the current values of two channels, the highest and lowest values of channel...
型号 MDVH-J71T2/BP2DN1 本店空调只对北京五环内免费送货安装,五环外收取远程费,外地自付运费,自费安装,买前请先咨询客服 *由于空调价格经常变动,请随时咨询当时价位,本店专业从事中央空调销售,设计、安装、维修、保养,承接各类空调工程,并免费设计,提供最优惠的空调工程价格.专业安装,为客户提供完善的设计方案和...
S100-24TR-A2设备的电源配置方式为内置单交流电源供电。 散热系统 S100-24TR-A2设备无风扇,散热类型为自然散热。 技术指标 表3-62 技术指标 规格 参数 外形尺寸(宽×深×高) 440.0mm×160.0mm×43.6mm 尺寸(宽 x 深 x 高,含包材) 510.0mm×270.0mm×85.0mm 重量(含包材) 2.69kg 业务口防雷规格 ...
华为数通智选16口千兆以太网交换机S1730S-L16TR-A(A2)机架式16电口网线分线器集线器非网管家用企业级 采购单位: 伊春市友好区第三中学 采购方式: 场内直购 销售价: 450.00 参考价格: 541.00 优惠率: 16.82% 数量: 1 订单金额: 450.00 供应商名称: 黑龙江迪麦科技发展有限公司 参考链接: https://item.jd.c...
Note:Microsoft Project for the web will soon become Microsoft Planner. You can continue using most of the Project for the web capabilities in the new Planner once it's rolled out to your organization. Learn more about the new Planner inFrequently asked questions about PlannerandPlanner h...
You've created custom upholstery for cars, furniture and maybe even some boats. Now you're thinking of stretching your wings and seeing how high your profits can fly by soaring into aircraft upholstery.rnAccording to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), the number of active civil aircraft...
日本TANDD(T&D)温湿度计TR-71W/TR-72W价格 价格面议 发货地 山东青岛 咨询底价 产品服务 热门商品 Millipore密理博手持式细胞计数仪Scepter3.0 ¥ 0.00 电压测试仪LR8450 价格面议 日本增田MASUDA滤芯过滤器AR08-010P-QE ¥ 100.00 水平仪指示器表示器DL-D4日本新泻SK 价格面议 三协SANKYO日本DPE1A24...