Language:All Sort:Most stars alexpovel/srgn Star712 A grep-like tool which understands source code syntax and allows for manipulation in addition to search pythoncgorustclitree-sittertypescriptcsharpregexclangrust-langhcltrsedgrephacktoberfestabstract-syntax-tree ...
Language:All Sort:Most stars Large-scale Self-supervised Pre-training Across Tasks, Languages, and Modalities nlpkosmosdeepnetmultimodalbitnetpre-trained-modelunilmminilmlayoutlmbeitdocument-ailayoutxlmtrocrfoundation-modelsllmbeit-3xlm-emllmkosmos-1textdiffuser ...
物业价值 相应的区域设置ID tr 语言 tr 国家 (无) 显示名称 土耳其语 显示名称与方言 土耳其语 性质定位 left-to-right 线方向 top-to-bottom ISO 639-2/T language code tur Java Locale tr 其他资料来源 比较号码物业价值 货币符号 ¤ 小数分隔符 , 数字 # 指数分离器 E 分组分隔 . 无穷大 ∞ 国际...
The <tr> HTML element defines a row of cells in a table. The row's cells can then be established using a mix of <td> (data cell) and <th> (header cell) elements.
# Just add it to your language's ini file and uncomment it (remove the # by Font). #Font = Trebuchet MS About PPSSPP... = &PPSSPP Hakkında... Auto = &Otomatik Backend = Rendering &Backend (Restarts PPSSPP) Bicubic = &Bicubic Break = Break Break on Load = Break on load...
BD SENSORS 压力变送器 DMP 333 Code: 130-6003-E-2-100-300-1-000 ProMinent 计量泵 GMXA1602PVT30000UA10000DE EFTEC 滤芯 11311401 LECHLER 喷嘴 600.326.3W.AC.00.0 SIBA 保险丝 5012634.4 Stäubli Electrical Connectors 色环 14.5187-22 CROUZET 83452008 ...
TrvAntiCorruptionLanguageTextEntity TrvBarcodeInstructionsLanguageTxtEntity TrvCardTypesEntity TrvCashAdvanceEntity TrvCreditCardCodeEntity TrvCreditCardTransactionEntity TrvEmpCreditCardEntity TrvExchSetupEntity TrvExpPaymentDetailsEntity TrvExpTransEntity TrvExpenseCategoryEntity TrvExpenseDel...
同步代码 alisen更新docker镜像,支持tr2.3bfa6c004年前 32 次提交 提交取消 提示:由于 Git 不支持空文件夾,创建文件夹后会生成空的 .keep 文件 backend 解决使用gpu的bug 5年前 fontend Merge pull request #21 from alisen39/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/fontend/l… ...
TRSE (or its full original name “Turbo Rascal Syntax error, “;” expected but “BEGIN”) is a complete suite (IDE, compiler, programming language, resource editor) intended for developing games/demos for 8 / 16-bit line of computers, with a focus on the MOS 6502, the Motorola 68000,...
Point cloud is a versatile geometric representation that could be applied in computer vision tasks. On account of the disorder of point cloud, it is challenging to design a deep neural network used in point cloud analysis. Furthermore, most existing fram