Reach Compliance Code: compliant ECCN代码: EAR99 HTS代码: 8542.39.00.01 Factory Lead Time: 6 weeks 风险等级: 5.11 Is Samacsys: N 可调阈值: NO 模拟集成电路 - 其他类型: POWER SUPPLY SUPPORT CIRCUIT JESD-30 代码: R-PDSO-G16 JESD-609代码: e4 长度: 9.9 mm 湿度敏感等级: 2 信道数量: 1 ...
An indispensa- ble role of tRNAs is that they could specify which sequence from the genetic code corresponds to which amino acid3. In eukaryotes, tRNAs are transcribed by RNA polymerase III as pre-tRNAs. During tRNAs maturation, pre- tRNAs undergo a series of post-transcriptional modifications,...
HSNCodeTable_IN TaxAgent TaxBookTable TaxBookTaxCodes TaxBranch TaxCasualRegistration_IN TaxComponentTable_IN TaxElectronicCertificatesTable TaxElectronicHTTPServerTable TaxFringeVariationTable TaxGSTEWayBillTypes_IN TaxInformationCustTable_IN TaxInformationLegalEntity_IN TaxInformationVendTable...
Reach Compliance Code: compliant ECCN代码: EAR99 HTS代码: 8542.39.00.01 Factory Lead Time: 1 week 风险等级: 5.15 可调阈值: YES 模拟集成电路 - 其他类型: POWER SUPPLY SUPPORT CIRCUIT JESD-30 代码: R-PDSO-G16 JESD-609代码: e4 长度: 9.9 mm 湿度敏感等级: 2 信道数量: 1 功能数量: 1 端子...
BQ2014HSN TI Low-Cost NiCd/NiMH Gas Gauge IC 完全替代 BQ2013HSN-A514 TI Gas Gauge IC for Power- Assist Applications 完全替代 BQ2012SN-D107 TI 具有单总线 (DQ) 接口、5 个 LED 驱动器和慢充控制的镍镉电池/镍氢电池电量监测计 完全替代 BQ...