Epithelial stem cells in the skin: definition, markers, localization and functions. Exp Dermatol 1999;8: 80–88. 5. Botchkareva NV, Ahluwalia G, Shander D. Apoptosis in the hair follicle. J Invest Dermatol 2006;126:258–264. 6. Fuchs Y, Brown S, Gorenc T et al. Sept4/ARTS ...
To avoid influence from our original definition of ‘impaired’ versus ‘unimpaired’ using 6 m CFM, we correlated GRS to uncorrelated, independent cognitive tasks. As contextual fear conditioning is a cross-sectional task, and we wanted to investigate the extent to which these genes regulated ...
By definition, conservation tillage is any system that maintains at least 30% of crop residue on the soil surface with minimum or no tillage [31, 32]. The impact of various tillage systems on SOC content has been studied widely in field experiments. Lal et al. [9] reported a SOC ...
This number of true negatives was also used to assess significance of false positive rate differences in a Fisher's test as above. True positive rate (TPR) is calculated as the number of true predictions divided by the number of total possible true positives, while the false positive rate (...
(The size of the dots in the graph indicates the number of differential genes annotated in the corresponding pathway, and the shade of color indicates the level of significance). 2.6. Effect of GA on the mRNA Expression of Smad2, Smad3, TGF-β1, and TRPC3 in HS RT-qPCR was performed...
The DOD updated its AWS definition by removing references to a "human operator" and re- placing it with simply "operator," a subtle yet notable shift clearing the way for future sys- tems with decreased human oversight. This new directive is aimed at helping to clarify the process for ...
Thus, by implicit definition, the future is defined in the image of the West. There is an in-built western momentum that is taking us towards a single, determined future. In this Eurocentric vision of the future, technology is projected as an autonomous and desirable force: as the ...