CUINCubic Inch FLOZFluid Ounce MCFDMillion Cubic Feet per day MCMDMillion Cubic Metres per day MJM3MegaJoules per cubic metre MMJDMillion Mega Joules per day SQFTSquare Foot SQINSquare Inch SQYDSquare Yard TMHHTherms per hundreds of cubic feet...
ZZUndefined - only used in intermediate stages of a calculation ANNYear BTUBritish Thermal Unit CM2Square Centimetre CM3Cubic Centimetre CWTHundredweight DAYDay DM2Square Decimetre GALGallon GWHGigawatt-hour HMJHundred Mega Joules HMQMillion Cubic Metres ...
DAY,DD-MMM-YYYYHH:MM:SSGMT DAY The day of the week (Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat). DD The day in the month (such as 01 for the first day of the month). MMM The three-letter abbreviation for the month (Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, ...
Abbreviation for Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th edition, revised (published January 2000). DSM-IV-TR Abbreviation for Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th edition, text revision (published June 2000). gateway drug A substance that, when abused, is ...
FWD- Forward. Most email programs use this abbreviation to indicate forwarded messages. NRN- No Reply Necessary. If you don’t need a response, you can end your email or subject line with the NRN acronym. For instance, “Meeting changed 9 am to 11 am, NRN.” ...
Legend/abbreviations used in the pinout table Name Abbreviation Pin name Unless otherwise specified in brackets below the pin name, the pin function during and after reset is the same as the actual pin name S Supply pin I Input only pin I/O Input / output pin FT 5 V tolerant I/O FTf ...
14 Abbreviation: FAS, full analysis set.Michele Novella, APRN‑BC Fairfield University, Medical Director and Owner of Star Psychiatric Healthcare, LLC, Danbury, Connecticut "I will emphasize that TRINTELLIX has safety data up to 64 weeks in hundreds of patients." Meet Michele Novella, APRN-...
Table 14. Legend/abbreviations used in the pinout table Name Pin name Pin type Abbreviation Definition Unless otherwise specified in brackets below the pin name, the pin function during and after reset is the same as the actual pin name S Supply pin I Input only pin I/O Input / output ...
The text appearance for the week day abbreviation of the calendar header. C# Kopyala [Android.Runtime.Register("weekDayTextAppearance")] public const int WeekDayTextAppearance = 16843592; Field Value Value = 16843592 Int32 Attributes RegisterAttribute Remarks Portions of this page are modifica...
ZZUndefined - only used in intermediate stages of a calculation ANNYear BTUBritish Thermal Unit CM2Square Centimetre CM3Cubic Centimetre CWTHundredweight DAYDay DM2Square Decimetre GALGallon GWHGigawatt-hour HMJHundred Mega Joules HMQMillion Cubic Metres ...