Roland 公司推出了 5 款该品牌 80 年代最受追捧的节奏机的现代插件合集 Drum Machine Collection,所有插件均采用了新的声音塑造选项和先进的音序功能,以及模拟电路行为(ABC)技术。 在这个富有价值的合集,用户将获得对 Roland TR-808、TR-606、TR-909、TR-707 和 TR-727的真实再现。在过去的 40 年中,这五台鼓...
The influence of the TR-909 drum machine is still heard—and felt—nearly four decades after it was launched. Now, the 909 is available as a software plug-in, delivering the speaker-pummeling power of the original with new features that extend its sonic capabilities and make programming faste...
Roland 公司推出了 5 款该品牌 80 年代最受追捧的节奏机的现代插件合集 Drum Machine Collection,所有插件均采用了新的声音塑造选项和先进的音序功能,以及模拟电路行为(ABC)技术。 在这个富有价值的合集,用户将获得对 Roland TR-808、TR-606、TR-909、TR-707 和 TR-727的真实再现。在过去的 40 年中,这五台鼓...
909 ABLETON PACKS ANALOG DRUM MACHINE SAMPLES TR The Drum Machine That Changed Electronic Music Forever The introduction of the TR-909 in 1984 transformed the landscape of electronic dance music permanently. If the 808 defined the sounds of the early 80s, the 909 was the next logical step in ...
Moving over to Paris, young upstarts Daft Punk made no secret of their love of the 909 - even titling a track “Revolution 909” on their debut album,Homework: Although it’s mostly known for techno, the 909 is also a diverse drum machine with some adaptable sounds. Watch below as Radi...
The TR-909 drum machine was launched 33 years ago. Roland marked the 909's birthday with a 24-hour product release party that included a DJ controller, a new plug-out synth, some BOSS guitar amps and a digital saxophone.
This year 909 Day is aHUGEdeal. If you were thinking of getting a newMIDI controlleror drum machine, today is your day. To celebrate the 33rd birthday of their iconic TR-909 drum machine, Roland is unveilinga ton of new gear, including reissues of the 909 and the 303!
MaxSynths 新的 DR-910 Windows VST 插件灵感源于 Roland 的 TR-909 鼓机,这是一个非常忠实于原版的模拟软件。 DR-910 还增加了很多高级功能。有一个带有独立的用于每个声音的发送控制的混响单元,一个专门针对鼓声设计的压缩器,以及一个 Lo-Fi 效果设备。
TR-6S是TR-8S的小弟缩减到6个通道,TR-06则是Boutique版的TR-606 Drumatix复刻,而TR-606则是Roland Cloud新的TR-606硬件的软件复刻版。 TR-6S是TR-8S的小弟,只有6个音轨,尺寸更小巧但依然可以帮你快速做出经典的各种节奏。 TR-6S主要特性: 6轨版本的TR-8S,尺寸更小,更便宜 根据Roland TR-808、TR-909...
AIRA TR-8 鼓机将通过固件得到新的音色扩展。这个新的音色集称为 7X7 TR-8 Drum Machine Expansion。 AIRA TR-8 是一个 DSP 建模硬件鼓机,能够模拟经典的 TR-808 和 TR-909 鼓机。而这个新的音色扩展添加了 TR-707 和 TR-727 鼓机的音色,忠实使用了原电路的 PCM 波形数据脉冲模型实现。你还可以得到老...