<br><br><img src="file://c:/DOCUME~1/ADMINI~1/APPLIC~1/360se6/USERDA~1/Temp/PR3C00~1.JPG" data-ke-src="file://c:/DOCUME~1/ADMINI~1/APPLIC~1/360se6/USERDA~1/Temp/PR3C00~1.JPG"><br>主营品牌:<br>株式会社石崎電機製作所、藤井電工株式会社、住友重機械工業株式会社、<br>富士...
申请(专利权)人: 富士電機システムズ株式会社 发明人: 笹本 利治 摘要: PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To provide an electric precipitator improved so with a reduced total weight while securing prescribed treated gas volume and high dust collecting efficiency. SOLUTION: In an electric precipitator in which...
日本富士(FUJI)继电器/变频器日本Tokimec东京计器电磁阀日本TAKIGEN工业五金日本IMV的汽车振动测试设备日本interface板卡日本发那科fanuc电机日本富士FUJI伺服/继电器/开关日本小野ONO SOKKI传感器日本油研YUKEN液压日本hirose液压元件日本神威(kamui)换热器日本增田masuda过滤器日本中村工机NAKAMURA KOKI蓄能器日本东机美TOKIMEC油泵...
南京惊爆价促销日本TANDD 温湿度计TR-76Ui 价格:100元/件 最小采购量:1件 主营产品:仪器仪表,泵阀,压力开关,气缸气爪,连接器,减速机,变压器,温度计,电磁阀,计数器,气体分析器,送风机,减速机等 供应商:南京高辉机电设备有限公司 所在地:中国 联系人:韩慧玲 联系电话 点此询价 QQ咨询 ...
申请(专利权)人: 富士電機株式会社 发明人: 華表 宏隆 摘要: PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To insulate an electric conductor in a cheap structure while securing heat radiation characteristics.SOLUTION: An insulation structure comprises: a cylindrical insulator (4) that conductor wire (W) put through a ...
申请(专利权)人: FUJI ELECTRIC CO LTD 富士電機株式会社 发明人:N Hirohisa,中野 弘久 摘要: PURPOSE: To easily and surely check the set states of respective commodities corresponding to commodity selecting buttons by identifiably displaying the set states by lamp display or the like by depressing ...