导入模块 from tqdm import tqdm import time ''' desc 描述 ncols 进度条总长度 可修改 range(1000) 封装迭代器 ''' for i in tqdm(range(1000),ncols=100,desc='商品进度加载'): time.sleep(0.1) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. --- 个性签名:代码过万,键盘敲烂!!! 如果觉得这篇...
self.container=self.status_printer(self.fp,total,self.desc,self.ncols) self.container.pbar=proxy(self) self.displayed=False ifdisplay_hereandself.delay<=0: display(self.container) self.displayed=True self.disp=self.display self.colour=colour ...
When resizing to a smaller terminal, tqdm leaves 'part' of the wider progress bar and adds a new resized progress bar but then it also adds a newline before finally adding a functional progress bar that updates as expected. So, to sum up the unexpected behavior, it partly removes the wid...