针对您遇到的问题 'tqdm_notebook' object has no attribute 'disp',我们可以从以下几个方面进行分析和解答: 1. 确认'tqdm_notebook'对象的来源和用途 tqdm_notebook 是tqdm 库中用于在 Jupyter Notebook 或 JupyterLab 环境中显示进度条的一个类。它继承自 tqdm 的基本进度条类,并增加了对 Notebook 环境的...
在命令行中输入以下命令: pip uninstall tqdm tqdm-notebook pip install tqdm tqdm-notebook 如果以上方法都无法解决问题,请尝试查看 tqdm_notebook 的官方文档或者在相关社区中寻求帮助。 总之,AttributeError ‘tqdm_notebook’ object has no attribute ‘disp’ 这个问题并不是无法解决,只要我们找到问题的根源并...
'tqdm_notebook' object has no attribute 'disp'elanlavie/VoyagerTutorialRepository#10 Open scott-n58commentedOct 24, 2021 same annoyance in my setting despite ipywidgets at most current version. 👍6AzadKshitij, elisejiuqizhang, bethanne-card, rraadd88, LinYang-AI, and abhibha-nexusflow react...
1461 'unit_divisor': self.unit_divisor, 'initial': self.initial, 1462 'colour': self.colour} AttributeError: 'tqdm' object has no attribute 'dynamic_ncols' I looked into the source code and found the cause may be here: tqdm/tqdm/notebook.py Lines 224 to 245 in 7472295 if ...