1. Degree in Computer Science, Information Services or a related field 2. Experience with Identity and Access Management solutions across different areas like Access Management (IDP), Identity Governance and Administration (IGA), Privilege Access Management (P...
Manage with easeGet tailored discounts, services, and tools for your business stage. Grow with curated benefits offered by the free Alibaba.com Membership, whether you are a small business needing the essentials to start sourcing or a ...
岗位名称:customer services/英文翻译支持/外贸服务(主要英翻中,部分中翻英) 岗位职责: 提供在线实时笔译服务,需及时查看翻译需求,响应回复 增益博沃信息 企业服务天使轮0-20人 心理学实习生 80-90元/天 武汉江夏区大花岭1天/周1个月学历不限 线上实习,无须线下坐班 1.大学生实习专用,没有保底工资,可以提...
2015 Delivery teams established to offer efficient and on-time food delivery services 2017 On-time delivery service extended to fresh and non-food delivery 2018 IPO on HKEX (HKEX: 3690); bike-sharing service launched 查看全部 公司名称天津三快科技有限公司 ...
(SaaS) products and customized products that cover critical use cases such as trial design, patient recruitment, data collection, remote monitoring, and sales relationship management. In addition, Taimei Tech provides digital s...
如今有些女子相亲,总是很不满足。想要的很多,有车有房有彩礼,却忽略了自身价值。自恃美貌,瞧不上别人,最终被耽误的是自己。 当然,也有女子很有自知之明。哪怕是二婚,只要懂得为男人着想,愿意陪男人一起打拼,永远都是香饽饽:比头婚还吃香! 近日,河南一二婚女子相亲,条件很诱人。小伙不敢相信,掉头就走,网友却...
女生的夏装,无论款式还是颜色上都比男生的多,在炎热的夏天,美女们不仅穿裙子,还会穿短裤上街。夏天穿短裤的美女,她们的搭配同样会很精彩,利用不同的服饰搭配出不同风格,清爽凉快还能展现大长腿。 01 蓝紫色西装+白色短裤 作为女生来说,一定要为自己准备上几款不同风格的短裤,到了夏天短裤特别容易搭配,轻轻松松就...
而现在也渐渐有很多网友都在二手转卖网站上买出自己的旧物品,例如范冰冰现在也在网上卖自己的旧衣服,毕竟范冰冰也算是时尚达人,因此也让不少网友都非常好奇,然而当价格曝光后,众多网友瞬间就懵了。 得知范冰冰也在网上卖衣服,很多网友都非常好奇,因此也点进去了解一下, 但是当价格曝光后,直接就被吓到了,在里面一件...
6.24 hours for engineer response (all services part 5days in customer hand by Intl' courier). 7.12 Months guarantee and life-long technical support.8.Your business relationship with us will be confidential to any third party. 9.Good after-sale ...