TPS61391EVM-058 的特性 输入电压范围:2.5V 至 5.5V 输出电压范围:高达 85V 具有0.5μs 响应时间的高光功率保护 开关频率:700kHz TPS61391EVM-058 的说明 TPS61391 是一款集成了电流镜和采样/保持电路的升压转换器,专门用于对光学接收器中的雪崩光电二极管 (APD) 进行偏置和监控。TPS61391 在 2.5V 至 5.5V ...
TPS61391EVM-058 Order now Overview The TPS61391 is a step-up converter with the current mirror and sample / hold circuitry being integrated, which is designed for biasing and monitoring the avalanche photodiodes (APD) in the optical receivers. The TPS61391 supports up to 85-V output from an...
User's Guide SLVUBS9 – November 2019 TPS61391EVM-058 Evaluation Module This user's guide describes the characteristics, operation, and use of the TPS61391EVM-058 evaluation module (EVM). The EVM contains the TPS61391 device, which is a step-up converter with the current mirror and sample ...