您好! 我无法判断您是否将 EEPROM 与 TPS25750搭配使用。 如果使用 EEPROM、则可以通过 Aardvark 将配置文件(.bin)刷写到 EEPROM。 EEPROM 包含配置文件并正确连接到 TPS25750 (使用正确的 ADCINx 引脚搭接)后、TPS25750将在启动时从 EEPROM 加载配置。 此致 向上0True向下 TI__Guru...
您好! 我无法判断您是否将 EEPROM 与 TPS25750搭配使用。 如果使用 EEPROM、则可以通过 Aardvark 将配置文件(.bin)刷写到 EEPROM。 EEPROM 包含配置文件并正确连接到 TPS25750 (使用正确的 ADCINx 引脚搭接)后、TPS25750将在启动时从 EEPROM 加载配置。 此致 向上0True向下 adm...
More over It would be really helpful if you could provide sample driver which fulfills the generic requirement of the PD controller. Thanks Mitesh Mitesh, The part must be configured either through I2C or with an EEPROM, so we will need to get one of the two flows working. We have...
Instruments Incorporated www.ti.com User Reference Chapter 4 User Reference 4.1 PD Controller Application Customization The PD Controller application binary may be pushed over I2C using the I2Cs port, or the PD controller can read it from an external EEPROM at slave address 0x50 on the I2Cm ...
1. Error description: When the Eeprom is not programmed I get 5V on VBUS. The moment I programmed the eeprom and plug in the USBC the 5V will turn off every ~750ms. PPHV is never activated. I can measure about 200mV on those pins. ...
1、[FAQ] TPS25750: How do I create a PD UFP or Sink with an EEPROM?:https://e2e.ti.com/support/interface/f/interface-forum/988215/faq-tps25750-how-do-i-create-a-pd-ufp-or-sink-with-an-eeprom 2、GUI 快速入门指南中介绍了用于生成 EEPROM binary 文件的方法:https://www.ti.com/lit/...
如果使用 EEPROM、则可以通过 Aardvark 将配置文件(.bin)刷写到 EEPROM。 EEPROM 包含配置文件并正确连接到 TPS25750 (使用正确的 ADCINx 引脚搭接)后、TPS25750将在启动时从 EEPROM 加载配置。 此致 向上0True向下 admin2 年多前 TI__Guru***1914360points 请...
EEPROM 在 SafeMode 中加载。 这是通过将 ADCIN1和 ADCIN2拉至 GND 实现的。 这会将 TPS25750的 I2C 从器件地址设置为0x21。 您能否确认在配置二进制文件时禁用了所有 GPIO。 如果您没有这样做、则会看到设备工作有几个问题。 向上0 3 年多前 ...
EEPROM value is all 0xFF atUSB-PD-CHG-EVM-01because they use MCU. Could you please let us know if you have any concern? Regards, Hide Up0TrueDown +1Chuck Branch3 年多前in reply toHide TI__Mastermind29800points Hide, Have they updated the ADCIN1 and ADCIN2 to connect t...
Are you using an EEPROM? Best Regards, Christian. Up+1TrueDown Jan Van Bogaert1 年多前in reply toChristian Moyer Prodigy60points OK, it turns out that CC1 and CC2 are not properly connected on my board. When I fixed this, I get the voltage delivered from the power ...