In the UK, it came with stereo playback and two mini headphone jacks, permitting two people to listen at the same time (though it came with only one pair of MDR-3L2 headphones). Where the Pressman had the recording button, the TPS-L2 had a "hotline" button which activated a small ...
but was actually a bm-12 with a stereo head. In addition, the attached headset was developed on the basis of the zero-fit design concept, which is positioned to wear lightweight open headphones. It can be said that this portable headset gave birth to the Walkman....
The TPS-L2 initially sold slowly but with skilful marketing demand soon soared. It was not cheap (around £100, with a second set of MDR-3 headphones costing around £15 extra) but gave good performance and created a new way to enjoy music. A whole new market had been created and ...