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摘要:介绍TPS系统结构,TPS系统在我厂的使用过程中遇到的问题以及解决办法,TPS系统安全策略的实施。 关键词:自动控制系统|DCS|FCS霍尼韦尔TPS系统 Abstract: Key words : 摘要:介绍TPS系统结构,TPS系统在我厂的使用过程中遇到的问题以及解决办法,TPS系统安全策略的实施。
7. AACR 2019 Abstract. 编辑:Potato
Society of Clinical Oncology, Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Committee of Chinese Society of Clinical Oncology. Consensus of Chinese Clinical Pathology Experts on PD-L1 Expression Detection in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer. Chi...
( org.apache.rocketmq.remoting.netty.NettyRemotingAbstract$ java.util.concurrent.Executors$
【Abstract】Thetissuepolypeptide—specificantigen(TPS)isafragmentofcytokeratin18,theM3epitope.Serum concentrationof1 isameasureofthedegreeoftumorcelldivisionandproliferationactivityinamorespecificindi- c~ors.Studyshowsthatthereisauniqueevaluationofprognosticvalueintheearlydiagnosisofmalignancy,recur- ...
组织多肽特异性抗原( TPS) 临床研究进展高洪波1,巩平2,李娜2Advances of cl i ni cal research on ti ssuepol ypepti deGAO Hong—bo,GONG Pi ng,LI NaFi rst Affi l i ated Hospi talof Shi hezi Uni versi tySchoolof Medi ci ne,Xi nj i ang【Abstract】Theti ssuepol ypepti de—speci fi c...
Abstract 4436: A novel antibody-enabled dual precision targeted protein stabilization (TPS2) that augments anti-tumor immune response by targeting CBL-B inhibitor to exhausted T cells while blocking checkpoint molecule, PD-1doi:10.1158/1538-7445.AM2023-4436...