1读 托福阅读 tpo41R-3 原文+ 译文+ 题目+ 答案+ 背景知识原文Trade And Early State Formation① Bartering was a basic trade mechanism for many thousands of years; oftensporadic and usually based on notions of reciprocity, it involved the mutualexchange of commodities or objects between individuals...
tpo41阅读听力部分参考答案.pdf,TPO41 参考答案 阅读答案 阅读第一篇(Navajo Art )答案: 1.B 2.D 3.C 4.D 5.B 6.B 7.A 8.D 9.A 10.A 11.D 12.C 13.填入第四个方框 (D ) 14 依次填入BEF ○ Sand paintings, which help participants in rituals recall traditional chan
托福TPO阅读41原文+答案小编给小托儿们带来了托福TPO41阅读原文+答案,希望备考TPO真题的同学一定要认真的看题、做题,多研究积累才能实现自我提升,预祝各位考生都取得理想的成绩。 Navajo Art The Navajo, a Native American people living in the southwestern United States, live in small scattered settlements. In ...
1 1 tpo41 三篇阅读原文译文题目答案译文背景知识 阅读-1 ... 2 原文 ... 2 译文 ...
托福阅读tpo41R-2原文+译文+题目+答案+背景知识 原文 Climate Of Venus ①Earth has abundant water in its oceans but very little carbon dioxide in its relatively thin atmosphere.By contrast,Venus is very dry and its thick atmosphere is mostly carbon dioxide.The original atmospheres of both Venus ...
TPO41阅读文本答案翻译 TPO-41 Navajo Art The Navajo, a Native American people living in the southwestern United States, live in small scattered settlements. In many respects, such as education, occupation, and leisure activities, their life is like that of other groups that contribute to the ...
『新东方在线托福听力』为托福考生准备了ETS托福TPO/Official 41 Passage 1阅读练习,TPO/Official 41 Passage 1原文答案解析,TPO/Official 41 Passage 1阅读原文练习音频翻译。
TPO41参考阅读答阅读第一篇Art答案13.填入第四个方框14 依次填入Sand paintings, which help participants in rituals recall traditional chants, are p
为了帮助大家高效备考托福,为大家带来托福TPO41阅读Passage1原文文本+题目+答案解析,希望对大家备考有所帮助。 Navajo Art The Navajo,a Native American people living in the southwestern United States,live in small scattered settlements.In many respects,such as education,occupation,and leisure activiti...
为了帮助大家高效备考托福,为大家带来托福TPO41阅读Passage2原文文本+题目+答案解析,希望对大家备考有所帮助。 Climate of Venus Earth has abundant water in its oceans but very little carbon dioxide in its relatively thin atmosphere.By contrast,Venus is very dry and its thick atmosphere is mostl...