which means that only 40 percent of the sunlight can get through the clouds. Below these clouds is a dense layer of carbon dioxide, which blocks even more light, so very little light reaches
3- 首遍听音建议不看文本,做笔记记录;如笔记有问题,文本可以作为关键信息对照和理解之用。 大家好,这里是托福写作炎哥。 长久以来,高质量的练习材料是写作备考过程中始终绕不开的话题,也是很多学生备考过程中的一大障碍。 目前市面上的很多练习材料是非常粗糙的。 综合写作的阅读文本没有分段,信息前后粘连;听力音频...
托福写作tpo40综合写作范文 TASK 1 Integrated Writing Many scientists believe it would be possible to maintain a permanent human presence on Mars or the Moon.On the other hand, conditions on Venus are so extreme and inhospitable that maintaining a human presence there would be impossible First, ...
托福TPO40 综合写作听力原文文本: Professor:Setting up a permanent station on Venus may not be without challenges, but it is certainly possible. One solution that's been proposed is to establish a station that would be floating in Venus's atmosphere, like a balloon, rather than standing on its...
托福TPO40综合写作范文 In the lecture, the professor is skeptical about the idea of the reading passage that it is impossible to maintain a human presence on Venus. The professor argues that it is possible to set a permanent station on Venus by establishing a station that would be floating in...
综合写作是做TPO。 我综合写作大概考试前20天开始练习的。那时候听力好了很多了,些综合对我很容易。 我要求都超过250字。一般我都写270-300左右。 这次考试独立写了398个字 成绩 good 级别评语是小语法错误和可以改进逻辑论证结构和方法 综合写了280个字 成绩good 级别 评语是小语法错误打字肯定是要练习的,我打...
TPO 40 综合写作 00:0001:20打开APP 收听完整版 本书针对的是冲击托福写作高分的同学,旨在全方位为TPO1~49写作试题给出翔实的答案解析。第一部分和第三部分总结考生在实际备考和考试中遇到的关于综合写作和独立写作的若干问题,以此为出发点剖析托福写作题型,给出高效的复习和解题思路、答题技巧。第二部分每套TPO...
tpo40综合写作文本 给你点分科经验吧:阅读(我30):我阅读用的资料就是tpo和文勇的那个黄金80篇。 当我开始升级tpo1-13时,我每套错过了10个tpo5-6。毕竟,我没有做任何新的事情,然后我也没有做任何新的事情。 我就用文勇80篇一篇一篇的精读(两个东西都是一样的题目,只是文勇的那个是word版方便我编辑)。我...
TPO40综合写作阅读生词: Many scientists believe it would be possible to maintain apermanenthuman presence on Mars or the Moon. On the other hand, conditions on Venus are so extreme andinhospitablethat maintaining a human presence there would be impossible. First, atmospheric pressure at Venus' ...
【小站托福写作备考平台】提供托福tpo40综合写作物体类Integrated Writing范文及题目解析。