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托福TPO26口语task1题目Question: Think of a book that you have not read but are interested in reading. Explain why you are interested in reading this book. 托福TPO26口语task1答案解析: Think of a book you have not read but are interested in reading. Explain why the book was important to ...
口语epiphytes尚友原advisorsexplaintask .sharewithu 本文章由尚友原创或整理 1 TPO26口语 Task1 Thinkofabookthatyouhavenotreadbutareinterestedinreading.Explainwhythebookwas importanttoyou.Givespecificdetailsandexamplestoexplainyouranswer. Task2 Somepeopleliketohavetheircellormobilephonewiththematalltimes.Otherpeo...
托福tpo26口语范文: I strongly agree with the opinion that there is no need for people to have their cell with them all the time. The use of a mobile phone should be forbidden in some places, such as library and airplanes. The most common reason for people going to a library is to fi...
小编为大家推荐这份 托福 口语TPO26【独立+综合】真题文本,我们一起来先睹为快吧。 托福TPO26口语task4题目 Reading Part: Epiphytes In rainforests, the canopy produced by the upper layer of branches may be so dense that few plants can grow on the shady ground below. Even so, many plants have ...
新托福TPO口语参考答案——TPO261. Think of a book that you have not read but are interested in reading. Explain why the book was important to you. Give specific details and examples to explain your answer. I haven’t read the series of books, Harry Potter. I am interested in reading ...
托福TPO26口语Task3题目: The man expresses his opinion about the proposal in the letter. Briefly summarize the proposal then state his opinion and explain the reasons he gives for holding that opinion. 托福TPO26口语Task3满分范文: Well, the proposal says that the students should not be required...
托福TPO26口语Task3听力文本: Now listen to two students discussing the letter. (man) Did you see this letter? (woman) Yeah, why? (man) Well, I don't agree. It's definitely not the same thing to just go on the university's Web site. (woman) You don't think so?
查看《托福口语真题听写训练》更多内容>> 保存到QQ日志 登录QQ空间 重点单词 查看全部解释 canopy ['kænəpi] 想一想再看 联想记忆 receptacle [ri'septəkl] 想一想再看 联想记忆 trunk [trʌŋk] 想一想再看 unique [ju:'ni:k] 想一想再看 联想记忆 formation [fɔ:'meiʃ...
托福TPO26口语Task6题目: Using the examples from the talk, explain two ways that a product’s container can be designed to appeal to consumers. 托福TPO26口语Task6满分范文: The first way is to make the container as user-friendly/convenient as possible. For example, condiments like...