托福TPO22综合写作及材料原文 11 I like reading books when I have time.I think its a good way to relax and spend my free time.When I was a kid,my mother often read books for me before I went to bed.From then on I was interested in reading books."Books are mans best friends." Boo...
托福TPO 22综合写作范文 The reading passage and the lecture both talk about whether ethanol fuel is a good replacement for gasoline. The reading argues that ethanol fuel fails to be a better alternative over gasoline, but the speaker holds the opposite and illustrates three points to side with h...
tpo22综合写作范文(新版)tpo22综合写作范文 tpo22综合写作范文 The rea ding pas sage and the lis tening m aterialboth dis uss thetopi het her etha nol fuel is a go od repla ement fo r gasoli ne. Theriter...
托福iBT TPO 1-15综合写作参考范文 热度: tpo22综合写作范文 tpo22综合写作范文 Thereadingpassageandthelisteningmaterialbothdisussthetopihetherethanolfuelisagoodreplaementforgasoline.Theriterarguesthatethanolfails...
托福TPO22综合写作内容解读 热度: tpo22综合写作范文 tpo22综合写作范文 Thereadingpassageandthelisteningmaterialbothdisussthe topihetherethanolfuelisagoodreplaementforgasoline.The ...
【托福写作备考】TPO22综合写作文本及解析 TPO 22 先来看看阅读材料: Ethanol fuel, made from plants such as corn and sugar cane, has been advocated by some people as an alternative to gasoline in the United States. However, many critics argue that ethanol is not a good replacement for gasoline...
一下以TPO22的综合写作题ethanol为例示范一下自己写综合作文的方法。 Reading notes: ①global warming ②reduce the amount of plants available for uses other than fuels ③compete with gasoline on price PS:阅读材料只看了90多秒,扫到关键词就OK了。
TPO22-综合写作The professor in the lecture demonstrates opinions contradicted to the ones showed in the reading parts about the issue whether the ethanol fuel is a good replacement for gasoline or not. First, the use of ethanol of would not result in adding to the global warming as the ...
托福综合写作TPO-22 听力部分时间:2017-05-01 09:32:00 编辑:villa | 可可官方微信:ikekenet 字号:大 | 中 | 小 评论 打印 收藏本文 no support! Now listen to a part of lecture on the topic you just read about. 现在来听一段有关你刚刚读到的话题的演讲。 Ethanol actually is a good ...
TPO22综合写作听力+阅读原文 Reading Ethanolfuel,madefromplantssuchascornandsugarcane, hasbeenadvocatedbysomepeopleasanalternativetogasolinein theUnitedStates.However,manycriticsarguethatethanolisnota goodreplacementforgasolineforseveralreaso。 Fit,theincreaseduseofethanolfuelwouldnothelptosolve ...