TPO-18 Conversation 1(场景分类——询问工作) Narrow: Listen to a conversation between a student and an administrator in the university employment office. Student: Hi! I hope you can help me. I just transferred fromNortheasternStateUniversitynearChicago. Administrator: Well welcome toCentralUniversity....
TPO-18 Conversation 1(场景分类——询问工作) Narrow: Listen to a conversation between a student and an administrator in the university employment office. Student: Hi! I hope you can help me. I just transferred fromNortheasternStateUniversitynearChicago. Administrator: Well welcome toCentralUniversity....
TPO-18Conversation1(场景分类——询问工作) Narrow:Listentoaconversationbetweenastudentandanadministratorinthe universityemploymentoffice. Student: Hi!Ihopeyoucanhelpme.IjusttransferredfromNortheasternState UniversitynearChicago. Administrator: WellwelcometoCentralUniversity.ButChicagoissuchagreatcity.Whydid ...
1、TPO-18 Conversation 1(场景分类询问工作)Narrow: Listen to a conversation between a student and an administrator in the university employment office.Student:Hi! I hope you can help me. I just transferred from Northeastern State University near Chicago.Administrator:Well welcome to Central ...
1 003-C8-P2-5 422023-08 2 TPO18-Conversation1-重听题 372023-08 3 TPO18-Conversation1 302023-08 4 010-C8-P1-1 532023-08 5 009-C8-P1-2 502023-08 6 008-C8-P1-3 292023-08 7 007-C8-P1-4 462023-08 8 006-C8-P1-5 162023-08 9 005-C8-P1-6 442023-08 10 004-C8-P1-7 202023...
托福TPO18听力Conversation1文本 Narrator: Listen to a conversation between a student and an administrator in the university employment office. Student: Hi! I hope you can help me. I just transferred from Northeastern State University near Chicago. Professor: Well welcome to Central University .But ...
1.Imagine your life ten years in the future. Talk about one way you think your life will be different in ten years than it is now. Use details to explain your answer. 你的答案: 正确答案:I imagine my life ten years in the future to be free. My life will be different in one way ...
小站备考 托福 托福听力 Official18听力真题 托福official18听力conversation1 Apply for a part-time job on campus原文解析+翻译音频 1 2 3 4 5 展开 play 00:00/ 00:00 音频点读 词句精学 Narrator: Listen to a conversation between a student and an administrator in the university empl...
所属专辑:tpo18 音频列表 1 conversation 1 125 2014-10 2 conversation 2 134 2014-10 3 Lecture 1 153 2014-10 4 Lecture 2 152 2014-10 5 Lecture 3 144 2014-10 6 Lecture 4 137 2014-10 查看更多 下载手机APP 7天免费畅听10万本会员专辑...
tpo18-conversation1 [006008:130040.280004]Narrator:Listentoaconversationbetweenastudentandanadministratorintheuniversityemploymentoffice. [006004:100077.231200]A:Hi!Ihopeyoucanhelpme.IjusttransferredfromNortheasternStateUniversitynearChicago.<BR> [000003:161063.218003]B:WellwelcometoCentralUniversity.ButChicago...