1、TPO17参考答案阅读答案阅读第一篇(Europes Early Sea Trade with Asia)答案:1.C 2.D 3.B 4.A 5.B 6.B 7.A 8.D 9.C 10.B 11.D 12.B13.填入第二个方框(B)14.依次填入BCFB. For trade in Asian goods such as spices to be profitable, these items needed to be transported in large...
1.Talk about a special opportunity that was given to you. Explain why the opportunity was important. 你的答案: 正确答案:I was given an opportunity to study in the US one summer. This opportunity is very important to me for several reasons. Firstly, it was the first time I went abroad....
相信众多备考托福的同学也一直在练习这套材料,那么在以下内容中我们就为大家带来托福TPO听力练习的文本,希望能为大家的备考带来帮助。 TPO 17 Lecture 4 Biology(Octopus) Narrator:Listen to part of a lecture in a biology class. Professor:Ok, now I want to talk about an animal that has a fascinating ...
1 tpo17听力部分问题.pdf,TPO17 listening 问题解析 注:问题中红色标记词汇为解题突破点和 。 Section 1 Question 1: 1. Why does the man visit the professor? A. To get the professor’s approval for his paper topic. B. To ask for source material for his paper.
tpo17阅读听力部分参考答案.pdf,TPO17 参考答案 阅读答案 阅读第一篇(Europe’sEarly Sea Trade with Asia )答案: 1.C 2.D 3.B 4.A 5.B 6.B 7.A 8.D 9.C 10.B 11.D 12.B 13.填入第二个方框 (B ) 14.依次填入 BCF B. For trade in Asian goods such as spices to be pro
小站托福备考平台为广大托福考生提供托福听力tpo17 Milankovitch Hypothesis(米兰科维奇假说)Why does the professor compare Earth’s movements to a watch? 答案及题目解析。小站教育,助力中国学生绽放出国留学梦想。
托福TPO17听力Conversation2题目 1.Why does the man go to see the woman? A. To complain about rude customers. B. To request an increase in his pay. C. To ask for a change in his work schedule. D. To apply for a job playing music in the dining hall. 2.What activity does the man...
相信众多备考托福的同学也一直在练习这套材料,那么在以下内容中我们就为大家带来托福TPO听力练习的文本,希望能为大家的备考带来帮助。 TPO 17 Conversation 2 Narrator Listen to a conversation between a student and a food service manager. Student:Excuse me, Mrs. Hanson. My name is John, John Grant. I...
1、TPO 17ConversationNarrator: Listen to a conversation between a student and a professor.Professor OK, let ' s see. Right, Modern Stagings of a Shakespearian Classic. Well, like I told you last week, I think that ' s a great topic for you paper. So theet would be something like . ...