2.2 TPO 1-20——题型专项攻坚 进行大量的针对性练习,从而在实战中巩固所学,也十分重要。这方面建...
TPO1-20综合写作范文 下载积分: 840 内容提示: Topic 3 Reading In the United States, employees typically work five days a week for eight hours each day. However, many employees want to work a four-day week and are willing to accept less pay in order to do so. A mandatory policy requiri...
还有一个套路,就是这篇文章中出现的“on reserve”,多次反复出现,我因为听到几次却不知道它在文中的意思就慌了,却没想到这一慌就漏掉了文中对这个专有名词的解释,血亏,长知识了,听不懂别着急,文中会告诉你的。 TPO20 C1——Student & Librarian: returning books in the library(难度2):5/5 这一篇跟上...
根据新东方托福内部数据分析,TPO第1、20、37、41、50套的阅读部分准确率最低,也就是难度最大的几套TPO。这说明TPO的难度并不简单呈先易后难的趋势,考生不能掉以轻心。其中,TPO阅读部分最难的题型是文章总结题,因为需要考生对全文主旨有深刻理解,才能准确概括文章核心观点。 TPO第19、50套听力部分最难 新东方托...
托福TPO1-20错题原因分析 托福-TPO成绩记录与分析托福-TPO成绩记录与分析总分TPO1TPO351TPO451TPO546TPO652TPO749TPO853TPO947一战成绩二战考前目标5858 阅读26242323272726252829 听力272823252227223029 TPO10 51 25 26 TPO11 53 24 29 TPO12 49 23 26 TPO13 26 TPO14 52 27 25 TPO15 54 27 27 TPO16 ...
无老师7天+TPO1-20词汇 saturateabundantmeteoriccirculatesoakstreampebbleconsolidategravelcoarseladenglacialoutwashscalefanwiseslopespotoverlieburyplugporouspercolatingproportion ['sætʃəreit][ə'bʌndənt][,mi:ti'ɔrik]['sə:kjuleit][səuk][stri:m]['pebl][kən'sɔlideit]['...
本文通过分析大数据指出,TPO1、19、20、37、41、50的难度最大,其中阅读部分TPO1、20、37、41、50正确率最低;听力部分TPO19和TPO50最难。获取正版TPO的渠道有购买、新东方托福Pro APP、报名新东方课程以及TPO模考大赛等。做题后要分析错误找差距,对症下药提高,这是事半功倍之道。
So next time you see an advertisement saying some product “could be up to 20 percent more effective,” think of these maxims of quantity and relevance and ask yourself what inferences you’re being led to draw.Think: “More effective than what, exactly?” ...
Westward Migration (TPO-20 阅读1) 【Paragraph 3】The West had plenty of attractions: the alluvial river bottoms, the fecund soils of the rolling forest lands, the black loams of the prairies were tempting to New England farmers working their rocky, sterile land and to southeastern farmers plagu...
TPO1-20口语题目TPO-19 TPO-18 TPO-17 全网络最完美的TPO软件,TOEFL Conqueror(TPO 1-30) 下载链接是: http://blog.163.com/steven_radon/blog/static/207306244201381625631202/ 点进去以后,先下载主程序包,然后下载升级包。都安装到同一个路径即可! TPO-16 TPO-15 TPO-14 TPO-13 TPO-2 TPO-12 TPO-11...