BD Bodyguard 可移动输液系统 TPN 快速用户指南说明书
TPN infusion is usually initiated at a rate of 25 to 50 mL/h. This rate is then increased by 25 mL/h until the predetermined final rate is achieved. Administration To ensure that the solution is administered at a continuous rate, an infusion pump is utilized to administer the solution. ...
What is the maximum amount of carbohydrates gram/kg/day a patient should receive? 7 g/kg/day What is the maximum glucose infusion rate? 5 mg/kg/min What conditions put a patient at high risk for hyperglycemia? Diabetes High risk nutritional status (or malnourished) ...
Total Parenteral Nutrition -TPN- Noon Conference TotalParenteralNutrition(TPN)ElizabethFarrington,Pharm.D.,FCCP,FCCM,BCPS Infancy-Birthto1year TriplebodyweightIncreasebirthlengthby50%Weightgain Birth-6months:20-30grams/day6-12months:~10grams/day NutritionRequirementsEarlyChildhood Growthratesandenergyneeds...