舉例,UEFI Shell環境下update firmware 。 簡易步驟範例如下: Step 1: 製作 UEFI Shell 的USB。 Step 2: 將UEFI\BIN\X64\TPM\TPMFactoryUpd.efi,複製到 USB。 Step 3: 將Firmware\所有的 BIN 檔,複製到 USB。 Step 4: TPMFactoryUpd_UserManual.pdf 4.3.1章節提到的命令參數做成update.nsh Step 5: 修改...
Update the system BIOS to the version level of “Minimum Version Required to Fix” as indicated in the below table. Follow the instructions in the README to run the TPM Firmware Update tool Product Status Minimum Version Required to Fix Link to Update Last Updated ThinkPad 10 Not Affected 10...
This article discusses the Microsoft Surface Pro 3 TPM Update tool. The tool creates a bootable USB drive that updates the TPM firmware on a Surface Pro 3. More information The Surface Pro 3 TPM Update tool updates the firmware for the TPM on a Surfa...
This article discusses the Microsoft Surface Pro 3 TPM Update tool. The tool creates a bootable USB drive that updates the TPM firmware on a Surface Pro 3. More information The Surface Pro 3 TPM Update tool updates the firmware for the TPM on a Surface Pro 3 to address the following is...
Download Windows Speedup Tool to fix errors and make PC run faster If you have a TPM-enabled laptop or PC, and you are receiving a message in Windows Defender Security Center telling you that you need to update your security processor or TPM firmware, then you should update it on priority...
WU 需要做測試,可以將Firmware 版本更新回較舊的版本嗎? 解答十. 在Update tool SLB9670xx2.0 FW15.23版的更新工具,開始有提供更新回現有版本,以提供Windows Upddate 測試使用,其參數為 -force ★博文內容均由個人提供,與平台無關,如有違法或侵權,請與網站管理員聯繫。 ★文明上網,請理性發言。內容一周內被舉報...
ThinkStation P320 Tiny 兼容的操作系統 Microsoft Windows 10 (64-bit) Microsoft Windows 8.1 (64-bit) Microsoft Windows 8 (64-bit) Microsoft Windows 7 (64-bit) 還有什麼 This utility provides the ability to update the TPM firmware (FW) from 64 bit Windows operating system.此...
问题十:WU 需要做测试,可以将Firmware 版本更新回较旧的版本吗? 在Update tool SLB9670xx2.0 FW15.23版的更新工具,开始有提供更新回现有版本,以提供Windows Upddate 测试使用,其参数为 -force 登录大大通,了解更多详情,解锁1500+完整应用方案,更有大联大700+FAE在线答疑解惑!
I found this discussion where the last two replies provide a way to update the TPM firmware on the Z240. Solved: TPM upgrade from 1.2 to 2.0 - HP Support Community - 9059451 Reply Was this reply helpful? Yes No Recommendations HP ENVY - 17-ae102na can TPM be upgra...
For example, Dell offers its customers aTPM firmware update tool. Check with your specific manufacturer if there’s a new firmware update for your TPM module. Reset BIOS/UEFI to Factory Defaults Your BIOS is the firmware that controls the motherboard directly and makes it possible to boot the...