We would like to thank you very much for the interactive online training on Diversity and Inclusion diversified with different examples in our own language by such an experienced team. Getting rid of prejudices, being aware and taking action, understanding the importance of diversity and using inclu...
isOnline boolean ユーザーが現在オンラインであるかどうかを取得します。 前回ログイン日 lastLoginDate date-time ユーザーが最後に認証された日時を取得または設定します。 前回ログイン IP lastLoginIp string ユーザーの前回ログインの IP アドレスを取得または設定します。 最終修正...
Is Online isOnline boolean Gets whether the user is currently online. Last Login Date lastLoginDate date-time Gets or sets the date and time that the user was last authenticated. Last Login Ip lastLoginIp string Gets or sets the IP address of the last user login. Last Modified las...
TPC Living reference work entry First Online:09 June 2018 pp 1–6 Cite this living reference work entry Encyclopedia of Big Data Technologies Meikel Poess& Raghu Nambiar 74Accesses Synonyms Performance Consortia;Transaction Processing Performance Council ...
HANDGUN masterypro online Dive into the mastery of a handgun! YES! I Want Instant Access To “Handgun Mastery PRO”!!! Why Train with TPC A System that Adapts to You Our doctrine, “Reactive Shooting”, is the science of using the body, mind, biomechanics, and the physics of the gun ...
The O2 software framework and GPU usage in ALICE online and offline reconstruction in Run 3 Since the majority of the compute performance of the online farm is in the GPUs, and since the asynchronous processing is not dominated by the TPC in the way the synchronous processing is, there is ...
在80年代初期,交易的自动化越来越普及,比如ATM机,并逐渐扩展到各种方面比如售货店买东西,加油站加油等,即所谓的OnLine Transaction Processing,OLTP系统开始涌现。此时出现了一些benchmark,比如IBM提出的TP1,Jim Gray等人提出的DebitCredit,而因为缺乏很好的review和发布流程,这会让大家的性能结果可信度较低,往往是一片...
创建全局索引也与单机MySQL创建二级索引的体验一致,全程是Online的: CREATE INDEX idx_seller_id ON orders (seller_id); PolarDB-X的全局索引是强一致的,其数据一致性体验与单机MySQL没有明显差异,提供了符合MySQL语义的RC与RR的隔离级别。 同时,PolarDB-X在索引的维护、优化器上也做了大量的工作,确保索引能高效...
Is Online isOnline boolean Gets whether the user is currently online. Last Login Date lastLoginDate date-time Gets or sets the date and time that the user was last authenticated. Last Login Ip lastLoginIp string Gets or sets the IP address of the last user login. Last Modified las...
The online ordering application for TPC Food Service customers allows you to quickly place and review the status of orders using your mobile phone or tablet dev…