我这边调试的设备TP9950,查看datasheet 得出I2C地址是0x44 另外硬件上也是可以修改I2C地址的 (2)修改平台端接口参数 使用BT656 接口的器件时,如 TV decoder,一般是输入 PAL/NTSC 两种格式的视频信号, 其信号一般是固定为 UYVY 的,只需要填写一组即可。staticstructsensor_format_struct{__u8 *desc;//__u32 pix...
58 我们目前可以p2p,硬件兼容,需要可以联系我,谢谢 可以的话,先发一下datasheet吧...谢谢......
TP2915Aspec DATASHEET TP2915 is a video D/A solution for converting HD digital video signal into the analog domain that is suitable for transmission over single coaxial or twist-pair cable over long reach. The major application is the Automotive interconnect between HD display and HD camera sys...
TP2915Aspec DATASHEET TP2915 is a video D/A solution for converting HD digital video signal into the analog domain that is suitable for transmission over single coaxial or twist-pair cable over long reach. The major application is the Automotive interconnect between HD display and HD camera sys...