地址:https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/connect/odbc/download-odbc-driver-for-sql-server?view=sql-server-2017 选择相应版本下载安装即可(x86 or x64) 连接方式: 'type' => 'sqlsrv', 'hostname' => '', 'database' => '', 'username' => '', 'password' => '', 'hostport' => '...
原因是thinkphp5默认采用pdo的方式连接,但是我本地的php还没有开启pdo的扩展,在php.ini里开启pdo扩展既可以正常使用。 这样就开启了pdo扩展,在重启apache服务器即可正常加载
问题一: 配置修改为pgsql,提示could not find driver 1. tp5 下 database 配置 'DB_TYPE' => 'pgsql', 2. 打开php扩展 - 》 开启php_pgsql.dll , php_pdo_pgsql.dll 在 wampserver xampp下PHP使用PDO 支持postgresql htt ...
This could caused by the Wi-Fi channel you selected is no longer available, due to: Your device doesn't support operating on this channel, or There is some nearby Wi-Fi direct device that broadcasted that it can't operate on the channel you picked. ...
(so likely not a pythonocc issue but I thought I'd still report it here). Ludovic @jf---I couldn't find how to uninstall pyqt without it automatically also uninstalling pythonocc, and--forceis what was needed: conda uninstall --force qt pyqt ...
Well I suppose someone could, but it would be a raging dumpster fire. That's a little too bad. While I know they are competitors(?) In a sense there is still valuable information there which I would imagine many would find interesting to discuss. Fully recognizing why at the same time...
php 连接oracle 提示could not find driver 打开phpinfo , 查看是否开启OCI8 , 正常情况如下图 如果没有出现OCI8 , 可能的原因有: 没有安装oracle客户端 下载对应版本的Oracle Instant Client , 将其解压到 D:\instantclient_11_2 (非固定位置) 并将该路径加入到系统PATH环境变量的最前面 , 重启电脑 , 查看php...
TP5在连接数据库的时候提示could not find driver,意思是找不到驱动,解决方法很简单,在php.ini中打开即可 说明: 主要修改就是把对应语句前的;去掉。 extension=php_mysqli.dll //在配置时就修改了,如果你还没有修改,这一步还要修改。 extension=php_pdo_firebird.dll ...
php7.2运行tp5项目时,报could not find driver解决办法 因为PHP7没有pdo_mysql扩展 安装上即可 因为我是在docker 下搭建的环境 直接执行 这些语句即可 安装好后 查看 再来运行项目 tp5项目nginx配置文件 将redis 安... ...
My question is, if I have a different putter, could another ball have come out best in my test or is the TP5 really that good for putting and chipping? Not sure what you are really asking. Feel is subjective and contact is related to technique. How did they perform, how did you ...