TL-PA4010P TKIT 1.0, 3.0 AV600 Passthrough Powerline 3-Pack Kit Contact us for a replacement TL-PA4015P 2.0, 3.0 AV600 Passthrough Powerline Adapter Contact us for a replacement TL-PA4015P KIT 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 AV600 Passthrough Powerline Starter Kit Contact us for a replacement TL-PA401...
由於晶片和韌體的限制,每個電力線網路都有一個最多使用數量限制。 例如:如果在家中有TL-PA2010(根據下表最大節點數為8),TL-PA4010(最大為16),最大節點數取決於網路中最少的8個。 一個節點等於一個單獨的電力線設備。 想快速找到產品型號,請參考以下步驟 1, 在鍵盤中輸入 “Ctrl” + “F” 2, 在出...
For example:If there are TL-PA2010 (Max node is 8 according to the following table) and TL-PA4010 (max is 16) in your home, the finally max nodes is depend on the less one , that’s 8 in this network. One node equals to one single powerline devices. To find your Model quickly...