450Mbps Wireless N Speed - Fast Download Speed TP-Link’s TL-WR940N is a high-speed solution that is compatible with IEEE 802.11b/g/n. Based on 802.11n technology, TL-WR940N gives users wireless performance at up to 450Mbps, which can meet your most demanding home networking needs, su...
TL-WR940N Features :Description :450Mbps Wireless N Router The TL-WR940N Wireless N Router is a combined wired/wireless network connection device designed speci cally for small business, o ce and home networking requirements. It provides a simple, very fast, pleasing way to access internet ...
品牌:TP-LINK 商品名称:TP-LINKTL-WR940N 商品编号:10057796476529 店铺:a axon_us海外官方旗舰店 货号:FBA-H/JX-B/TP-LINK&JM103 散热方式:自然散热 建议宽带:101-300M 防火墙:支持防火墙 LAN输出口:百兆网口 机身材质:塑料 天线:外置天线 管理方式:WEB页面 ...
Router type Home RouterTp-link Wireless 300n Router (tl-wr940n) - Home RouterTP-Link AC750 Wi-Fi 5 Dual-Band, Range Extender with Speedy 750 Mbps Transfer Rate, Smart Roaming for Stable Wireless Coverage, Ethernet Port to Direct Connect a Device - RE750C Home RouterTP-Link AX1500 Wi-...
TP-LINK TL-WR940N 无线路由器安装说明书 确认指示灯的点灯状态。连接设备。接通终端装置与本产品的电源。设置指南 INTERNET:点灯或闪烁 说明本产品的概要及规格、使用时的注意事项。并且刊载了 FAQ,说明动作不正常等为难时的对策。 横放时 竖立时 •将有LED 指示灯的一侧朝向前方。•参考插图,将本体后方完全...
1.Visit http://tplinkwifi.net, and log in to with the username and password you set for the router.2.Go to Status to check WAN status:If IP Address is a valid one, please try the methods below and try again:•Your computer might not recognize any DNS server addresses, please ...
tp无线路由器300M穿墙王高速光纤tplink智能wifi家用全网通WR842N 颜色 842中文版(百兆端口/双天线,/300M,/2.4G)、841N,英文版(百兆端口/双天线/300M/2.4G)、886中文版(百兆端口/三天线/450M/2.4G)、940N,英文版,(百兆端口/三天线/450M/2.4G)、5620,(百兆端口/四天线/AC1200/2.4G&5G)、5620千兆版(...
tp-link无线路由器wifi家用穿墙TL-WR842N 300M wifi tp无线 批发 西安星时空商贸有限公司 11年 回头率: 24.7% 陕西 西安市 ¥125.00 高通工业级4G路由器APN VPN ipsec l2tp 路由器WIFI 深圳市华思飞科技有限公司 5年 广东 深圳市宝安区 ¥80.00 成交7570台 英文版TPTL-WR940N V6 450Mbps...
TP-LINK TL-WDR5620千兆版无线路由器双频1200M高速5G全千兆端口 TP品牌 一件代发 ¥50.35月销67台 广州市天河区长兴街晨曦科技电子商行2年 TP-Link WR940N 450M 三天线无线路由器 英文版本 TP-Link/普联技术品牌 24小时发货 ¥71.25月销4台
1.Visit http://tplinkwifi.net, and log in with the username and password you set for the router.2.Go to Status. You can view the current status information of the router.•Firmware Version - The version information of the router’s firmware....