在地址栏中输入TP-Link路由器的默认IP地址,通常是“”或“”。然后按下“Enter”键。 3. 登录路由器 (Log into the Router) 系统会提示你输入用户名和密码。默认的用户名和密码通常都是“admin”。输入后点击“登录”。 四、设置向导 (Setup Wizard) 登录后,TP-Link路由器会提供一个设...
3. 登录路由器 (Log into the Router) 系统会提示你输入用户名和密码。默认的用户名和密码通常都是“admin”。输入后点击“登录”。 四、设置向导 (Setup Wizard) 登录后,TP-Link路由器会提供一个设置向导,帮助你完成基本配置。 1. 启动设置向导 (Start the Setup Wizard) 在管理界面中,找到“快速设置”或“...
3. 访问路由器管理界面 (Accessing theRouterManagement Interface) 设置TP-Link路由器的第一步是访问其管理界面: 打开浏览器:在连接到路由器的计算机上,打开一个网页浏览器。 输入IP地址:在地址栏中输入路由器的默认IP地址,通常是192.168.1.1或tplinkwifi.net,然后按回车。 登录:您将看到登录界面。默认的用户名和...
打开浏览器:在连接到路由器的设备上打开一个网页浏览器。 输入IP地址:在地址栏输入TP-Link路由器的默认IP地址,通常是192.168.1.1192.168.0.1,然后按下回车键。 登录界面:会出现登录界面,输入默认的用户名和密码,通常是admin/admin。如果您之前更改过密码,请输入您设置的密码。 四、快速设置向导 (Quick Setup Wiza...
Access Router’s Web Interface: Open a browser on a device connected to the router and go tohttp://tplinkwifi.netorhttp:// The default username and password are bothadmin. Setup Wizard: Follow the setup wizard for initial configuration. This will guide you through setting a new...
To login to the TP-Link router, browse http://tplinkwifi.net on your computer. Now, enter the login details and tap on the Login button.
The Quick Setup Wizard will guide you to set up your router.Tips: If you need the IPv6 internet connection, please refer to the section of Set Up an IPv6 Internet Connection.Follow the steps below to set up your router.1.Visit http://tplinkwifi.net, and log in with the password ...
I hope to rookie friends a little help 1. TP-LINK wireless router with wired connections, the IE input, the default user name and password for admin, determined after entering the above settings interface. After open interface will usually pop up a small page setup wizard, if th...
Note: the default IP tplink router is the basic password are admin For the first time to enter the router interface, please look at the picture 7 Figure 7 into the router interface Here we choose the setup wizard. Please look at the picture 8 Figure 8 choose the setup wizard...
tp-link_tl-wr340_限Tp-link_tl-wr340_unlimited router Setup Guide 1. 1. TP-LINK wirelessrouter through wired connection, in the IE input, user name andpassword defaults to admin, determine after entering the above settings interface. When you open the interface,you usually pop ...