Sometimes you may fail to accesshttp://tplinkwifi.netorhttp://tplinkdeco.netto manage your TP-Link Router and would like to access the Router’s IP address directly as a workaround. Normally your TP-Link Router's default IP address ishttp://; TP-Link De...
Sometimes you may fail to accesshttp://tplinkwifi.netorhttp://tplinkdeco.netto manage your TP-Link Router and would like to access the Router’s IP address directly as a workaround. Normally your TP-Link Router's default IP address ishttp://; TP-Link De...
1、登录管理界面:在浏览器中输入192.168.1.1并按下回车(Enter)键,在弹出的对话框中输入用户名和密码,点击确定进行登录。如下图所示。(打不开?点击阅读:TP-Link路由器192.168.1.1打不开解决办法) 2、开启“防火墙总开关”和“IP地址过滤”:在管理界面中点击“安全设置”-->“防火墙设置”-->勾选“...
Connect the computer to the LAN port of the wireless router. Modify the computer IP address to an address, such as, on the same network segment as the LAN port IP address of the wireless router. Figure 2-88 Connecting the computer to the wireless ro...
The default IP address of the WS560 wireless router is No password is required for the first-time login to the web interface of the WS560 wireless router. To restore the WS560 wireless router to its factory defaults, press and hold the Reset key for about 3s a...
IP address of your TP-Link router in the address bar. This will take you to the login page, where you will need to enter your current login password and username. If you have never changed the default credentials, you can find them in the router’s manual or on the TP-Link website....
动态IP这种上网方式,不需要宽带账号、宽带密码,只需要在TP-Link路由器的设置页面,把“上网方式”设置成:动态IP 即可。 首先,先说明一下,TP-Link路由器动态IP上网时,需要按照下面的步骤顺序进行设置: 1、连接TP-Link路由器 2、设置电脑IP地址 3、设置TP-Link动态IP上网 ...
TP-Link/普联技术 品牌 7天包换 ¥109.9 月销4台 南宁姐梦妹科技有限公司 6年 无线wifi千兆路由器增强器router支持AP宽带拨号中继器信号放大器 urant 品牌 一件代发 ¥45.0 月销323台 深圳市优兰特科技有限公司 3年 TP-LINK TL-R479GPE-AC 千兆有线路由器大功率8口PoE供电AP管理AC TP-Link...