RE700X 不僅僅是無線訊號延伸器。只需將乙太網路電纜插入其乙太網路端口,即可輕鬆將有線互聯網連接轉變為 2×2 MIMO 雙頻無線存取點。 1電源指示燈 2智能指示燈 32.4GHz 指示燈 45GHz 指示器 5重置 6WPS 按鈕 7千兆埠 †最大無線訊號速率是源自 IEEE 標準 802.11 規範的物理速率。實際的無線資料吞吐量和...
RE700X is more than a wireless range extender. Simply plug an Ethernet cable into its Ethernet port, and easily turn your wired internet connection into a 2×2 MIMO dual band wireless access point. Control at Your Fingertips Set up and manage your WiFi through the TP-Link Tether app from...
商品名称:TP-LINKTP-Link RE700X AX3000 网状WiFi 6信号放大器AP模式 中继器双频千兆自适应 手机app控制 商品编号:10074442808105 店铺:YINGKE海外卖场店 货号:TP-LINK&JM013-A2 散热方式:自然散热 无线协议:Wi-Fi 4 WAN口类型:其他 建议宽带:801-1000M ...
商品名称:普联(TP-LINK)【JD物流 日本直邮】WiFi6家庭Mesh组网面板 无线增强WiFi信号 中继器接收扩大增加家用路由器 RE700X/A【支持AX3000规格】 商品编号:10109658404341 店铺:五社电脑办公海外专营店 散热方式:其他 类型:无线网桥 无线速率:其他 WAN口类型:其他 ...
from the TP-Link Tether app Wide. Wider. Widest.5 Keep your internet focused on a single room or blanket an entire floor with WiFi by picking between 3 strength levels on the Tether app. Built-In Access Point Mode RE700X is more than a wireless range extender. Simply plug an Ethernet ...
Manage the entire network all from the TP-Link Tether app Regola la copertura Wi-Fi.5 Con l'app Tether puoi impostare l'ampiezza della copertura Wi-Fi in base alle tue esigenze di connettività. Access Point Mode RE700X è dotato di modalità Access Point che permette di usare la po...