1. To avoid connection issues during setup, complete the following steps through a computer wired directly to the router. 2. Before Step 6, keep the AP disconnected from the Root Router. Physical Connection Step 1.Connect your computer to the LAN port of the TP-Link DSL modem router via a...
TP-Link DSL Modem is a combine machine of Modem and Wi-Fi router. TP-Link DSL Modem needs to work on Modem router mode if the internet service delivered to the TP-Link modem is through DSL line like Pic 1, or it needs to work on wireless router mode if internet service delivered to...
方法/步骤 1 包装打开。认识一下这些设备。2 将Modem插好电源线。3 将语音分离器分别连上端口的电话线~4 将连接在语音分离器其中有个电脑标志端口的先连接到Modem的电话线接口中。5 将网线的接口连接到Modem的网线接口去~~6 所有的线路都链接完毕,插上线路,启动电源按钮,就可以了安装完毕了。注意事项 图文皆...
1、艾玛 701g 用户名:admin 密码:admin 2、艾玛701H 用户名:admin 密码:epicrouter 3、实达2110EH ROUTER 用户名:user 密码:password 4、神州数码/华硕: 用户名:adsl 密码:adsl1234 5、全向: 用户名:root...
>TP-LINK普瑞尔FM56KRVI(1)内置式MODEM 发布厂商:普联(TP-link) 发布日期:2000-09-21 文件容量:1.05MB 提交时间:2000-09-21 下载次数:119 驱动种类: 操作系统: 适应硬件:TP-LINK普瑞尔FM56KRVI(1)内置式MODEM 驱动说明 TP-LINK普瑞尔FM56KRVI(1)内置式MODEM驱动程序2.0版适应于11229芯片(2000年9月21日新增...
TP-Link 无线 4G LTE 路由器快速安装指南说明书 Quick Installation Guide Wireless 4G LTE Router 1. Connect the Hardware Images may differ from actual products.©2021 TP-Link 7106509105 REV1.0.0Check the following LEDs’ status. If the Internet LED is on, your router is connected ...
Step 1.ConnectEthernetcabletoyour router’sWAN portfrom the modem likePic 1or the Ethernet port on the wall likePic 2. Pic 1 Pic 2 Step 2.Connect your smartphone to TP-Link Wi-Fi. The default wireless network name and password of TP-Link wireless router are printed on the bottom label...