M7350 ISP 檔案 FAQ Firmware Apps GPL Code Emulators ISP 檔案 An ISP file upgrade can update ISP information into the latest verison to improve it's current compatibility. To Upgrade IMPORTANT: To prevent upgrade failures, please read the following before proceeding with the upgrade process...
Ifyour M7350’s firmware is already the latest, there will be following indication message“Your current firmware is up to date”. Step6 If your M7350’s firmware is not the latest, TP-Link cloud server will automatically push the latest firmware to your M7350 and the upgrading process wil...
本地升級 1. 至TP-Link官網檔案下載中心下載最新的韌體。 2. 請參閱:如何登入4G行動WiFi分享器的管理介面呢(新logo)? 3. 至進階設定(Advanced)>設備(Device)>韌體更新(Firmware Update) 4. 選取本地更新(Updatevia the local server),選擇瀏覽(Browse),找到您下載的更新檔,並點選更新(Updade)。 5. 稍待...
1.Visit http://tplinkmifi.net, and log in with the default password: admin. 2.Create a new login password for security purposes and use it for future logins. 2. Via PC Login Entry The PC web management interface displays all features of the Mobile Wi-Fi. If you want to use a featu...
Currently, the M7000/M7200/M7350 latest hardware version is with 2000 mAh battery, M7450/M7650 is with a 3000mAh battery. However, the actual battery time may vary due to different user environments, so some customers might feel that the battery drains quite fast and even think the battery...
If your SIM card cannot be detected by the TP-Link MiFi device, please click here to login the web interface, then go to the Status page to check the SIM Card Status first: Here we take M7350 V7 as an example: If the SIM Card Status shows “Ready” but the Connection Status shows...
1. 至我們的官網 www.tp-link.com/ 下載最新的韌體。 2.請參閱如何登入無線4G路由器的網頁管理頁面? (新logo) 3.至進階設定>系統工具>韌體升級 4.確認設備資訊以確認您下載的韌體版本與硬體版本符合。 5.從本地升級單擊瀏覽找到下載的新韌體檔案,然後點擊更新。
Customers can download the firmware from the TP-Link website and update accordingly. Note: For the product that we don’t indicate which hardware version supports IPv6, it supports IPv6 since V1 version and also the later hardware versions. For the product that we indicate it supports IPv6...
網路地圖 解鎖PIN碼: 前往Advanced > Network > PIN Management>開啟PIN Lock並輸入您的PIN碼 3. 建立APN: 前往Advanced > Network > Internet>Create Profile 輸入電信業者提供資訊後點擊OK 4. 更新韌體: 前往Advanced > System Tools > Firmware Upgrade...
Please verify the hardware version of your device for the firmware version. Wrong ISP file upgrade may damage your device and void the warranty. (Normally V1.x=V1) 如何查看 TP-Link 產品的硬體版本? Do NOT turn off the power during the upgrade process, as it may cause permanent damage to...