您可以在无线网络列表中找到一个以"TP-link_Extender"开头的网络名称。5. 打开您的网络浏览器,并输入扩展器的默认IP地址(通常是192.168.0.1或192.168.1.1)。按下回车键后,您将被引导到扩展器的设置页面。6. 输入默认的用户名和密码来登录到设置页面。默认情况下,用户名和密码均为"admin"。
You can easily log in to your TPLink CPE extender Setup with the default web address and do the Tp-link Outdoor CPE Setup with simple steps.
For more intuitive location assistant, access extender settings via the Tether app and go to Tools > Location Assistant. Q9. What’s my range extender’s network name after initial setup? The default network name (TP-Link Extender or TP-Link Extender_2.4GHz/5GHz) is provided for initial ...
our router supports Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS). The WPS button of a router might look like one of these: .LED Explanation RE Wireless Power Ethernet Wireless On/Off: The extender’s wireless function is enabled or disabled.Power On/Off: The extender is on or off.Ethernet On/Off: Th...
TP-Link RE220 无线扩展器快速安装指南说明书 Local Device REXXX XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX *Images may differ from a 2
問:設定完成後,電腦的預設閘道是訊號延伸器的LAN IP位址,因此該電腦無法上網。 答: 1):在大多數情況下,這是因為我們未能設定訊號延伸器,因此電腦仍然使用訊號延伸器的DHCP伺服器的IP位址。請重置訊號延伸器並按照第1章中的說明進行重新設定。 2):如果在重新設定或連接到訊號延伸器的其他設備沒有此問題後,問題仍...
Step 4. After successful login, there will pop up theQuick Setup Startpage. ClickNextto get the quick setup started. If you failed to log in to the GUI, you can check if your PC has correctly acquired IP address from Range Extender via following steps. Here we take Windows 7 as demonst...
Log into the management page. Please refer toHow to log into the Web GUI of my Range Extender via IP address or domain name? Click theModebutton on the upper-right corner, selectAccess Pointand clickSave. Your TL-WA830RE will reboot to make your changes take effect, and please do NOT...
If you can connect to the extender's default Wi-Fi, but still unable to find the extender, please refer to the troubleshooting below: What if Tether cannot detect my TP-Link product in the “Device” Page? If you still have trouble, please collect the phone's IP Address when connected ...
3. Launch a web browser and enterhttp://tplinkwifi.netin the address bar. Log in withadmin(in lowercase) for both username and password. 4. ClickNextto start theQuick Setup. 5. SelectRange Extenderfor the operation mode of the router. ...