設定頻寬管理: 前往Transmission > Bandwidth Control啟用全域的頻寬管理。 新增頻寬管理規則,限制使用者群組的最大頻寬。 說明:Maximum Upstream Bandwidth 和Maximum Downstream Bandwidth的上限是設定在「Network > WAN > WAN」頁面上的 Upstream Bandwidth 和 Downstream Bandwidth 數值。 TL-R600VPN( V4 ) , TL-ER6...
開啟網頁瀏覽器並在網址列中輸入:http://tplinkwifi.net 步驟2 在登入頁面中輸入使用者名稱和密碼。 預設的使用者名稱和密碼均為小寫的admin。 步驟3 點擊左側清單上的頻寬管理(Bandwidth Control-Control Settings)。 注意: 例如,如果您有ADSL數據機,請在線路類型上選擇“ADSL”。 如果您不知道如何選擇線路類型,...
Datasheet TP-LINK Load Balance Broadband Router TL-R480T+ Highlights Up to 4 WAN ports equipped with advanced load balance to guarantee maximum band- width and backup capabilities Provides extensive client account and network management for administrators with supported PPPoE Server Marshals bandwidth ...
· Management: Access Control, Local Management, Remote Management · DHCP: Server, DHCP Client List, Address Reservation · Port Forwarding: Virtual Server, Port Triggering, UPnP, DMZ · Dynamic DNS: DynDns, NO-IP, TP-Link · VPN Server: PPTP, Open VPN ...
Security: DoS, IPv4 SPI Firewall, IPv6 Firewall, IP and MAC Address Binding, Access Control Protocols: IPv4, IPv6 Management: TP-link Cloud, Local Management, Remote Management Administration: Upgrade Firmware, Default Factory, System Log, Diagnostic Tools ...
For the new UI, please refer to the FAQ:How to use bandwidth control or Speed Limit on TP-Link Wi-Fi Routers? Why we need Bandwidth Control? Within a normal home network, the bandwidth is shared by all computers. This means any computer using high-bandwidth applications, for example torre...
1. 登入路由器管理介面,若不知如何操作,請點此。 2. 至頻寬管理(Bandwidth Control) 3. 依據您的需求設定頻寬管理功能,並點選儲存。 您為上傳頻寬和下載頻寬設定的值應小於100,000Kbps。 為了最佳的控制頻寬,請選擇正確的線路類型,並與您的網路業者確認以獲得總上傳和下載頻寬。
IP based QoS allows a network administrator to determine how much bandwidth is allotted to one certain station Description: TP-LINK’s TL-R460 is designed for Small O ce / Home O ce (SOHO) network solutions. With build-in NAT, DHCP server, rewall and 4 LAN ports, the TL-R460 Route...
TP-LINK AC1900 Wireless Dual Band Gigabit ADSL2+模式
TP-LINK TL-SF1005D 用户使用说明书.PDF,5-Port 10/100M Desktop Switch TL-SF1005D Up to 200Mbps full duplex 5 Auto MDI/MDIX ports eliminate Hassle free setup, bandwidth capability for the need of crossover cables no conguration required high speed data proc